You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 161 Share 0 food

Chapter 161 Sharing Snacks
On July [-]rd, Rong Jing and An Nuan set off for a trip.

The two of them took the bullet train, because city J is not very far from city S, and it takes three hours to get there by bullet train.

Although it was not the first time to ride a high-speed train, An Nuan was still very excited, watching the scenery whizzing by outside the window, chattering non-stop.

"Brother Jing, look, it's all farmland. This is the season for rice planting? Then when will it be harvested? By the way, it is said that autumn is the harvest season. Is it autumn harvest? It is still a small seedling. In two months, it will become a golden wheat ear, hehe, it’s so amazing.” She was basically talking to herself, although the prefix was Brother Jing, she didn’t need her brother Jing to answer her at all, she alone People can talk very happily.

Rong Jing opened a bottle of mineral water and handed it to her, "Is your mouth dry after talking for so long? Drink some water."

"Well, I'm a little thirsty." An Nuan took the mineral water and drank it.

Sitting opposite them was a mother and son. The mother looked to be in her forties, and the son was in his teens.An Nuan found it strange that they hadn't spoken since they sat down, why didn't they chat?

After sitting for more than an hour, An Nuan opened the snack bag to eat snacks, because it would be boring to just sit and do nothing.

There are many snacks in the snack bag, all picked by An Nuan.Although Rong Jing would restrict An Nuan from eating snacks, it was rare for him to come out to play. He hoped that she would have a good time, so this time he did not restrict her and let her choose.

"Brother Jing, do you want to eat?" An Nuan took out a bag of potato chips and handed one to Rong Jing.

Rong Jing ate it with her hand, and said to her: "Eat less potato chips, puffed food is unhealthy."

"Understood, can I eat half of it?" An Nuan has become used to Rong Jing's management. When she was younger, she would call him long-winded as the housekeeper, but now she doesn't know it at all.Anyone who has been saying the same thing for more than ten years can get used to it just like her.

But An Nuan is also obedient, she knows that what Rong Jing said is for her own good, so no matter what he says, she is willing to listen.

While eating potato chips, An Nuan found that the child opposite had been staring at her, no, it should be said that she was staring at the potato chips in her hand, and swallowed her saliva during the process.

Seeing that he seemed to be hungry, An Nuan opened the snack bag and said to him, "Little brother, do you want to eat? You can pick whatever you want here."

Meeting is fate, and being able to ride the same train is also fate.Besides, you have to be generous with children, right?So An Nuan is not stingy with her own snacks at all, and takes them out to share with the children.

The boy obviously wanted to eat it, but he didn't dare, so he looked at his mother.

His mother said to An Nuan: "No need, little sister, you can eat by yourself."

"It's okay." Seeing that the boy was embarrassed to take it, An Nuan simply took out a few packets by herself, "Hey, these are all for you, they are delicious."

After all, he was a child, and after all, it was the temptation of having no place to live in for snacks. The boy timidly said "thank you" to An Nuan, and took the snacks.

An Nuan was also very happy to see the boy eating her snacks, so she talked to him, "What's your name? How old is this year?"

The boy replied while eating snacks: "My name is Jin Xiaming, and I am ten years old."

"Where are you going?"

"Go to City J and find my father."

"Oh, your father is in City J."

"um, yes."


So along the way, apart from Rong Jing, the boy became the second person to chat with An Nuan.

(End of this chapter)

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