You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1619 Found the money

Chapter 1619 Found the money
"Of course, but my brother is so good-looking, of course I like him." Xiao Qiqi's answer was very reasonable.

An Nuan is funny, this is really the child's answer, because Leng Yiran is good-looking, so she likes him?

"Then your big brother and little brother don't look good?"

"It's pretty." Xiao Qiqi nodded, "So I like big brother and little brother very much, even more than I like brother Ran."

Well, since that's the case, An Nuan naturally has nothing to say.

Several places were affected by the flood this time, and mudslides were triggered in several villages due to the flood, and the entire village was flooded.

Seeing more and more such news on the TV news, An Nuan felt very uncomfortable.

She wondered if she should donate more and do her part to help them.

However, An Nuan really has a psychological shadow about the donation after thinking that the donations were exposed and squandered by the officials.

"Mommy, do we want to donate?" Xiao Qiqi looked at the TV and pointed to the donation box above and said, "Should we hide the money here too?"

"We don't hide in here." Even if it is a donation, of course they donate it directly to the relevant organization. How can it be put into the donation box like it is shown on TV.

"Then how to donate?" Xiao Qiqi was very puzzled.

"Anyway, there will be a way to donate." An Nuan looked at the time, and it was almost time for them to come back.

In the afternoon, the rain finally stopped. Once the rain stopped, the accumulated water would naturally be drained slowly. Therefore, unlike the flood in the morning, at least the water on the road could no longer support boats at night.

Zuo Youyou seemed to be in a good mood when they came back, especially You You, who was very cheerful.

"Why are you so happy? Did anything good happen?" An Nuan asked You You.

Right and left smiled, and didn't say anything to An Nuan, but made a "shh-" gesture.

An Nuan didn't understand what was going on, so she turned to look left and right.

Zuo Zuo said to An Nuan: "When You You came back at night, he saw Qian on the road."

"Really?" An Nuan thought that Zuo Zuo was joking, so she teased them and said, "How much money did you pick up? There won't be a lot, right?"

How could such a good thing as picking up money happen so easily, right?Even if it is picked up, it will cost ten yuan and 20 yuan at most.

But what she didn't expect was that what You You picked up was not a small sum of money.

"Look, Mommy, this is the money I picked up." Youyou took out a black bag in the bag, "There are a lot of money in it, some of it is wet, but Mommy, you said before But money doesn’t rot, does it? So the money in it is fine, right?”

When An Nuan saw the money in the bag, she was taken aback, at least twenty to thirty thousand, how could there be so much money.

"Youyou, where did you pick it up?"

"It's not far from the school. I picked it up not long after my brother and I walked out. Mommy, isn't this money a lot?" Right and right eyes lit up, he knew that the money would definitely buy a lot of things .

An Nuan's face was not very pretty, and when she looked at Youyou, her expression was very serious, "Youyou, what did Mommy tell you before? Didn't Mommy say that you have to return the things you pick up?"

(End of this chapter)

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