You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1624 Charity

Chapter 1624 Charity
Yo, does she know the difference between good and bad at such a young age?
"How does Qiqi know that he is a bad person? Qiqi thinks, what kind of person is a good person and what kind of person is a bad person?"

Qi Qi felt that this question was very easy to answer, she puffed up her chest and said, "Those who do good deeds are good people, and those who do bad things are bad people."

Oh, the world of children is really very simple.

"Then Qiqi will be a good person or a bad person in the future?"

"Of course we have to be good people." Qiqi said without thinking, "Mommy, we can't be bad people. If we are bad people, we will be struck by lightning." This is a line that often appears in TV dramas. remember.

An Nuan patted her head, "Yes, we can't be bad people, so in the future, Qiqi has to be a good person and do good deeds, you understand?"

"Well, Qiqi will meet."

Of course, An Nuan couldn't handle the charity affairs by herself, she didn't have experience, and she would lack energy if she spoke alone.

So, she found a partner, and the partners she found were Hu Bingyue and Shan Yanyan.

Originally, An Nuan wanted to invite Zhuang Xiao to join her, but she had to take care of the children and take care of their store, so she couldn't spare time.No way, there are only the three musketeers.

Both Hu Bingyue and Shan Yanyan agree with the establishment of a charity organization by themselves, and are happy to do such a thing.

"We should have done this a long time ago. What's the use of donating money, isn't it? We can't see where the money was used. Who knows how it was spent. Nuan Nuan, you are so good, I support you Don't worry, we three beauties will definitely make our charity a success!" Shan Yanyan was very confident.

Hu Bingyue was amused by Shan Yanyan's words, and asked happily: "Beautiful girl? Are you sure?"

Shan Yanyan nodded quite positively and said, "Of course, isn't it a beautiful girl or a beautiful boy? Yueyue, you must recognize your gender clearly."

Now, An Nuan also laughed.

After making a fuss for a while, the three of them began to talk formally about the business.

After talking for a long time, most of the eyebrows have been formed.

The name of the charity organization is the Charity Fund. The Charity Fund is mainly used to provide help to those in need. No matter who it is or what kind of group it is, as long as it is confirmed that the other party can indeed be helped after an audit, then the Charity Fund is will contribute.

Now that the general direction has been set, the next step is to assign work to each other.

In order to be busy with the fund's affairs, An Nuan didn't have time to accompany the children. Fortunately, there were two mothers around, and they had their affairs to do, so it was not difficult to take care of them.

After working for half a month, the Charity Fund was finally officially established.

The establishment of the Charity Fund is very low-key. The main purpose of An Nuan is to help others, not to show off, so naturally I don't want to make a scene.Just do good deeds, as long as you know it.Otherwise, if people found out, they would think they were doing some stunt again.

An Nuan and the others are all laymen. Of course, professionals are required to operate the Charity Fund, so after the formal establishment, there is nothing for An Nuan and the others, and everything is left to the professionals they recruit. Just make a decision, nothing else needs to be done.

(End of this chapter)

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