You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 163 What type of girl do you like?

Chapter 163 What type of girl do you like?

After taking a shower, An Nuan came out relaxed, and asked Rong Jing to wash while wiping her hair.

"The hair dryer is in the cabinet in the middle, you can find it and blow it on." Rong Jing said to her after taking the clothes.

"Oh, I know."

When Rong Jing came out, she saw that An Nuan didn't blow dry her hair, but was lying on the bed watching TV, her hair was still wet.

Seeing this, Rong Jing shook her head helplessly, and walked over to take out the hair dryer by herself, "Didn't I tell you to blow it? You have a lot of hair, and it would be difficult to dry it if you don't."

"But I don't feel comfortable blowing it myself." An Nuan turned over and smiled at Rong Jing twice, "Brother Jing will blow it for me, right?"

Rong Jing nodded her nose, "You are really spoiled by me."

"Well, I've been spoiled." An Nuan admitted very generously, and she felt proud rather than ashamed, which made Rong Jing really dumbfounded.

Rong Jing sat on the bed, let An Nuan lie on his lap, and then gently dried her hair.

An Nuan enjoyed his service with peace of mind, and looked at Rong Jing with blinking eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Rong Jing felt uncomfortable when she saw her.

"Hee hee," An Nuan smiled, and said to him, "I think brother Jing is what we call a peerless good man now, you see, you are so gentle, so considerate, and so handsome, the most important thing is, you are also smart Ah. Oh, yes, you still have money. Ah, such a good man, it will be difficult to find a girlfriend in the future."

"Shouldn't it be easy for a good man to find a girlfriend?" Rong Jing was puzzled, why is it hard for a good man to find a girlfriend in her mouth?
"Because you are so kind, you are very picky, and you have high vision. How can ordinary beings catch your eyes, right? You must choose the best one, otherwise, you will definitely not just settle for it. It’s better to lack than to abuse, isn’t it?”

Rong Jing smiled, tested the humidity of her hair, and then turned off the hair dryer.

An Nuan sat up, looked into Rong Jing's eyes, and suddenly asked: "Brother Jing, what kind of girl do you like?" She seemed to have never asked Rong Jing this question before.

From elementary school to junior high school, the number of girls who like Rong Jing is innumerable, but An Nuan has never seen Rong Jing being special to any girl, or even looked at any girl more.Except for her, of course.

After asking this question, An Nuan suddenly felt a little nervous, and her heart beat faster.However, she still looked into his eyes, as if she definitely wanted to get his accurate answer.

"I..." Rong Jing pretended to be thinking deliberately, and said after a while, "The girl I like should be cuter, act like a baby, and sometimes like to be a rascal, not very smart, and occasionally a little stupid , she will be a bit dull, but occasionally she will be very shrewd. She can be lazy, she can not like to do anything, but she is also very obedient, as long as it is something she thinks is right, she will always do it very cooperatively..."

The more Rong Jing talked, the more An Nuan felt that the person he was talking about was her.Her face became more and more red, and she stepped forward to cover his mouth, "Okay, I understand, don't say any more." Really, is she dumbfounded?She is obviously very smart, okay?Also, why is she so lazy?Well, it is indeed a bit lazy.

Alas, why is she not angry at all when her elder brother Jing said that about her?What's more, I still feel a little ecstasy, alas, is she really hopeless?However, Brother Jing's words mean that the girl he likes is her?
No, what she asked was clearly what type of girl he likes, so brother Jing likes girls like her?

(End of this chapter)

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