You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1666 Jealous

Chapter 1666 Jealous
Zuo Zuo also knew to keep his voice down, in case An Nuan heard him, he would definitely say that he had no conscience.

What his son said made Rong Jing laugh, this child is really a kid.

"Zuo Zuo, when you grow up, you will understand Daddy's heart." Rong Jing didn't say anything, after putting all the barbecue in the refrigerator, she asked An Nuan, "Nuan Nuan, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"Vegetarian." An Nuan yelled loudly, "Tomorrow I will eat meat and today I will be vegetarian. I want to eat vegetables and noodles."

"Son, what about you?"

"I don't care." Zuo Zuo shrugged and said indifferently.

The barbecue place is by the sea, and the surrounding scenery is very good.Fortunately, An Nuan has already made a reservation, otherwise she might not be able to get a number.

After setting up all the grills, An Nuan took Zuo Zuo to wash the vegetables.

Today's sunshine is not particularly hot, and the warmth on the body will not look too cold, it feels very comfortable.

"Zuo Zuo, what kind of meat do you like to eat? Mommy will bake it for you later, and Mommy wants you to taste Mommy's cooking." An Nuan said confidently.

But in fact, although her cooking skills are good, her barbecue skills are really open to question.

You know, before going out to barbecue, it was Rongjing who grilled and she was responsible for eating. Usually, nine out of ten grilled meats were burnt.

In order not to let his mommy feel too frustrated, Zuo Zuo said: "Mommy, I like to eat corn."

"Corn?" An Nuan thought, if that's the case, shouldn't she stop eating her superb barbecue first?But since my son likes to eat corn, let's eat corn. "Okay, Mommy will bake it for you later, it will be very delicious."

The grill quickly heated up, An Nuan took out the barbecue and put them on the grill one by one.

But she took out too much, and after a while, she was too busy to take care of it, and hurriedly gave up the seat to Rong Jing, "Brother Jing, hurry up, they are all going to be mushy."

Rong Jing can't laugh or cry, why are you so anxious to take out so many, right?He pushed An Nuan away to avoid being burned by the fire, then brushed each piece of barbecue with his hands, and poured seasoning powder, and soon, the aroma of barbecue wafted out.

Unlike An Nuan who was in a hurry, even though there was a lot of barbecue, Rong Jing's movements were unhurried. The key point is that there was no sign of the barbecue being burnt, and she could only smell the tempting smell of barbecue.

Why is this?An Nuan was quite puzzled, why did she even bully her with these barbecues?This is really very depressing.

Most of the people who came to the barbecue were young people, and An Nuan also saw many boys and girls who looked like college students, and among these girls, many of them were always looking at them secretly.

Of course, An Nuan would not think that they were looking at her, most likely they were looking at Rong Jing.

Hmph, it's useless for you to look any further, Brother Jing is mine, he is my man, no matter how much you look at it, it's useless.

An Nuan purposely moved to Rong Jing's side, acting quite intimate with him.

Rong Jing was puzzled at first, but then she knew what An Nuan was thinking when she saw the girls pointing at them, and couldn't help laughing.

An Nuan was embarrassed by Rong Jing's smile.

"Why are you laughing, your teeth are white, right? Hurry up and work, or you won't have food." An Nuan was so annoyed by Rong Jing's laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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