You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1679 Marriage Needs Management

Chapter 1679 Marriage Needs Management

Hearing An Nuan's words of confidence, Shan Yanyan's mood became even more depressed.She thought, is it because her relationship with Xu Nuo is not deep enough?After thinking about it, she told An Nuan about her recent problems with Xu Nuo, because besides her, Shan Yanyan didn't know who to talk to.If you keep holding it in your heart, it will definitely be very uncomfortable.

"...Tell me, is there a problem with us?" After finishing speaking, Shan Yanyan looked at An Nuan nervously and asked.

An Nuan's face was a little dignified, and she pondered for a while and said, "I can't say that there are no problems between you, there are indeed problems, but who is the problem, have you thought about it?"

Unexpectedly, Shan Yanyan would have such an idea. Compared with Rong Jing, An Nuan felt that it seemed a bit far-fetched to say that there was no problem between Xu Nuo and Shan Yanyan.You know, now Rong Jing still wants to have her once a day, if her body can't bear it, he will never let her go.If so, at least two or three times a week, four or five times if more.Once a month, this frequency is too small, right?Could it be that Xu Nuo really changed his mind?impossible.At least An Nuan felt that Xu Nuo should not be such a person.

"Who is the problem..." Shan Yanyan thought about it carefully, shook her head and said, "I don't know who the problem is, anyway, the way we get along has been like this from the beginning, after so many years Nothing has changed. Tell me, is it because of this that you get bored easily?"

Whether it's a man or a woman, the love of freshness will not change, but Shan Yanyan and Xu Nuo have nothing new to speak of at all, they just live day after day.

An Nuan has never encountered these problems, so she can't give Shan Yanyan any good advice. She said to her: "Yanyan, if you really think that the problems between you and Xu Nuo are serious, then you should talk to Shan Yanyan." Promise to talk about it. After all, you will live a long time in the future. If you have such thoughts now, what will you do in the future? Don’t forget, you are a husband and wife, and you have children, and your life is your own. What should you do? You should think about it yourself."

An Nuan's words made Shan Yanyan think for a long time, she nodded, "I know what to do."

Marriage needs to be managed, not everything will be fine after marriage.Why is the divorce rate of modern people getting higher and higher?Because too many couples don't know how to manage their marriage, and they let the marriage die by itself after marriage. If things go on like this, the marriage will naturally go wrong.

Of course, in An Nuan's view, the most important thing is that the relationship is not deep enough.Just like she and Rong Jing, they didn't deliberately manage their marriage. Their way of getting along hasn't changed since they were young, but until now, they still can't do without each other.Not to mention not seeing each other for ten days and a half months.Even if I don't see each other for a day or two, I miss him so much.

No, it's only been a few hours since we parted, and now An Nuan already misses her elder brother Jing.Thinking of this, An Nuan couldn't help but blush.I am not a little girl anymore, how could I still have this feeling similar to just falling in love?It's really embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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