Chapter 1695
"Why didn't I stew it for him, but he doesn't like it." Shan Yanyan spoke from the side.

"It's not that he doesn't like food, it's that you don't cook it well, right?" An Nuan immediately exposed the truth, causing Shan Yanyan to lose face.

An Nuan stayed at Shan Yanyan's house for a while, and left after seeing that Xu Nuo had recovered quite well.When she was leaving, Shan Yanyan went out to see her off.

The two chatted while walking, and An Nuan asked her: "Yanyan, have you thought it through? If you really decide to forgive Xu Nuo and still want to live with him, then you have to give up your prejudices about the previous things. If If you keep treating that thing like a thorn in your throat, sooner or later there will be problems for both of you."

Shan Yanyan lowered her head and looked at her toes, smiled and said: "If this hadn't happened, maybe I would have struggled and hesitated. But now, I suddenly figured it out, in fact, this is how two people live together , In this world, how many couples can live without any problems from the beginning to the end? Marriage is not about falling in love. When you fall in love, you can be together as long as you want, and you can always be together if you don’t want to be together Separate. Marriage is not like this. Even if the most serious problem arises, what you want to think about is not to end the marriage, but to find a way to repair it. If you can repair it as much as possible, if it is not possible, then your fate is over. .”

These words were not something the former Shan Yanyan would have said. Before she got married, she thought about cheating after marriage.

What she thought at the time was that she couldn't forgive the other party, whether it was mental or physical cheating.

But after getting married, until now, many thoughts have changed when I was young.

"Nuannuan, I figured it out. Since I still love him and he still loves me, then I should persevere. At least, he hasn't made the worst mistake yet." Shan Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief, He raised his head and faced the sky with a smile, "That's it, I believe, as long as we are willing to work hard for each other, we can always overcome everything."

Of course Shan Yanyan was happy for An Nuan to think like this, she laughed and patted her on the shoulder: "Yanyan, you are really good."

"Of course, I've always been the best, okay?" Shan Yanyan was very immodest.

"Phew, it's so windy outside today that it cracked my face." After Ruru came in from the outside, she quickly shook twice and rubbed her face. "Are you saying that the weather forecast in our country will be more accurate in the end? It clearly said that the highest temperature today is [-] degrees. What happened? I was frozen like a dog after I came out dressed like this."

Ruru's words amused many people, An Nuan happened to hear it when she came out, and teased, "Then call twice."

"Woof..." Ruru yelled and jumped on An Nuan's body, An Nuan was so frightened that she took two steps back to dodge.

The two were having a good time, and Wen Wan shook her head as she watched, thinking that these two were too unreserved, how old they are, and they still act like children every day, which is really worrying.

It was very windy in the morning and it was so cold that people shivered outside, but the wind stopped at noon and the sun came out.

Seeing that the weather outside is so good, An Nuan suggested that everyone go out to eat together at noon, instead of ordering takeaway, people are too lazy nowadays, they don't want to move at all, and eat takeaway every day.

(End of this chapter)

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