You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1698 It's Scary

Chapter 1698 It's Scary

A week later in the morning, An Nuan had just arrived at the store and saw Wen Wan counting the money, so she asked, "How much is it, are you going to save it again?"

"It's almost [-], today we..." Wen Wan paused, An Nuan was still surprised, when she saw a panic expression on her face, and then she yelled, "Ah——" While yelling, she threw away all the money in her hand.

An Nuan was startled, and other people gathered around one after another, "What's the matter, what happened?"

Wen Wan pointed at the pile of money with trembling fingers, "Ming Ming Ming Ming coins..."

"What?" An Nuan couldn't believe it, and hurriedly squatted down to rummage through a pair of hundred-yuan bills, but in the end, she really found five Ming coins.When she saw that it was really Mingbi, she was also a little scared.

"It's really Mingbi?" Ruru screamed, "How could this happen? Oh my god, isn't our place also haunted?"

But all people must be afraid of things like ghosts.I usually watch movies and TV or think such movies are very exciting, but I just watch them on the screen. Once they really appear in life, they will still be scary.

An Nuan was also panicking at the moment, not knowing what to do, she suddenly asked Ruru: "By the way, Ruru, do you know that the city station called the police after this incident happened?"

Ruru is still immersed in the fear of ghosts at the moment, An Nuan was in a daze when she asked the question, and she woke up after a while, shaking her head: "No, they are a restaurant, of course they can't call the police, If the news gets out, no customers will dare to come." After all, who would dare to eat in a haunted place, right?Even the clerk and the owner gave repeated orders not to let them speak out.

An Nuan pondered for a while, and said to Wen Wan, "Wen Wan, call the police."

Wen Wan thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, I see."

Hearing that An Nuan wanted to call the police, some people agreed and some opposed, "Boss, will calling the police affect the business of our store?"

"Yeah, when the time comes, everyone will know that our store is haunted, so they won't come here again?"

"But who knows if he thinks it's a mischief? If it's artificial, it will always be caught."

"Let's call the police, it's horrible."

"God, I have goosebumps all over my body. No matter what, I don't dare to stay here anymore. I'm so scared."


There are many people who are afraid, and some even want to leave today.Although An Nuan was also a little scared, she wasn't afraid to be like that.But she also understood their feelings, so she said to everyone: "If you are really scared, go home first. Wait until you find out what's going on."

Those people looked at me and I looked at yours. Although they were really scared and wanted to go home, they felt that it would not be good if they really went back.

One person said: "With so many of us here, are we still afraid that the little ghost will fail? Besides, it is broad daylight, so even if there are real ghosts, we dare not come out, right? Let's not scare ourselves, maybe someone is pretending to be a ghost. "

This statement gave everyone a lot of courage, and some people who were afraid before became less afraid because of this statement, and felt that what he said was very reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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