You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1708 There Are Cockroaches

Chapter 1708 There Are Cockroaches

After Si Le left, An Nuan asked Rong Jing about what happened between him and Si Le. Don't ask her how she knew, she knew Rong Jing so well, and she could tell at a glance that there was a certain relationship between him and Si Le. Something happened.

As for what happened, she didn't know.

Rong Jing casually talked about Sile's pleading with him, of course, even said the very cryptic words about dedicating himself to Sile.

An Nuan didn't respond to what she heard in the front, but her eyes narrowed when she heard the back, "Brother Jing, your beauty is not shallow, there is someone who wants to dedicate himself to you, how about it, aren't you very proud?" ?”

Rong Jing smiled, and directly hugged An Nuan and put her on her lap.

"Why, are you jealous?" He bit her pretty nose, "Your husband and I have very strong concentration, besides, she is not as good-looking as my wife, my wife is so beautiful, why should I Are you looking at other women?"

This sounded nice, An Nuan hugged him and leaned against him.Of course she was worried about her elder brother Jing. You have to know how many beauties have taken the initiative to throw themselves into their arms until now, but Rong Jing ignored them all and loved her wholeheartedly.

With such intentions alone, it is impossible for An Nuan to doubt him anymore.

"Mommy, Mommy..." Qiqi suddenly rushed down from upstairs, and An Nuan hurriedly stood up from Rong Jing's lap.

Qi Qi didn't have time to care about the ambiguity between Daddy and Mommy, so she hurried over and held An Nuan and Rong Jing's hands: "Daddy and Mommy, there are cockroaches upstairs, so many scary cockroaches, why not?" Can fly."

"Cockroach?" An Nuan was taken aback when she heard that, there were actually cockroaches in their house, "Which room are you in?"

"It's in the toy room. My little brother and I were playing a game, but suddenly a cockroach came out, and my little brother was scared to tears." As she spoke, Qiqi laughed, probably because she was thinking of the right and left. The scene of being scared.

When An Nuan and Rong Jing went upstairs, they saw Youyou still holding Zuo Zuo tremblingly standing aside.His face turned pale with fright.

As soon as he saw An Nuan and Rong Jing coming up, You You let go of his brother, and quickly ran over to hug Rong Jing.

"Daddy, there are cockroaches. What a terrible cockroach. The cockroach is very big and ugly." He pointed at the corner while talking.

An Nuan smiled and looked in the direction of the right and left fingers.At first, she thought that it was impossible for their house to have cockroaches. After all, the house was not cleaned inside and out, and everything looked clean. It was really impossible for cockroaches to appear, but she still saw it. On to the cockroaches.

To be honest, An Nuan was also afraid of cockroaches, so she hid behind Rong Jing very naturally.

Of course Rong Jing couldn't be as scared as they were. She looked around, took two napkins, and walked over to grab the cockroach directly.

But the cockroach looked very cunning, and it flew away with a whiz until Rong Jing got close.

"Ah, the cockroaches are flying." Qiqi yelled, and quickly hid behind An Nuan.

Rong Jing asked An Nuan to take the children out, and then fought against the cockroaches in the room by herself.

"Mommy, Daddy will definitely be able to catch cockroaches, right?" Qi Qi leaned against An Nuan and raised her head.

"Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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