Chapter 1714 Colds
How does this benefit Sile?
In fact, An Nuan was also very curious about Sile's approach. The news of her affair with Rong Jing, what could it bring her?Could it be that she still wants to be a star?
This time, she really guessed Si Le's mind correctly.Because Si Le made a series of actions next, and actually became a peripheral girl.

It was another week before An Nuan knew about this.

It is said that since the scandal with Rong Jing spread, many people went to interview Sile. Sile took advantage of this momentum to let her into the public eye, and then began to be a peripheral girl. It is said that the business is still very good .

This is something An Nuan didn't expect, she never thought that Si Le would become a peripheral girl, it really surprised her.

"Brother Jing, did Sile still go to you?" An Nuan brought Rong Jing meals at noon. Rong Jing seemed to have caught a cold these days. Although it was not serious, An Nuan was still quite worried, afraid that he would eat Unclean food outside will aggravate his condition, so we deliver food to him every day.

This is definitely a blessing in disguise for Rong Jing.

Eating the meal cooked by her own wife, Rong Jing didn't care about other people, "I haven't been here."

"Hey, tell me, what does this child Sile think? She is still so young, doesn't she plan to live a good life and get married in the future? Just ruin herself like this?" As we all know, when a peripheral girl How many famous people can there be?Si Le is forcing herself to die.

But now thinking of Si Le again, An Nuan no longer feels pity.

After all, Si Le did such a thing to Rong Jing, and she is not the Holy Mother, so can she still sympathize with her rival in love?
Rong Jing doesn't care about the life and death of other people anymore, what happened to Sile has nothing to do with him, does it?

After eating, Rong Jing cleaned up the dishes.

An Nuan had nothing to do in the afternoon, Rong Jing wanted her to accompany him in the office.

"Brother Jing, you are the president, and I'm not your secretary. What's going on in your office? What if someone comes in to report to you and sees that you and your wife Qingqing and I don't have an office? What would you say about you?" An Nuan didn't plan to stay here, she didn't want to be gossiped, and if there were any more topics like office passion, she would definitely die of shame and indignation.

But Rong Jing just didn't want to let her go. I don't know if it was because of a cold, but Rong Jing was very sticky and warm, just like Qi Qi right and left, pestering her.

In the end, An Nuan had no choice but to promise him to stay with him.

In the end, Rong Jing really stopped working, so she hugged An Nuan and sat on his lap, kissing and touching her.

An Nuan had no choice but to hold his mischievous hand, and said angrily: "Brother Jing, please remember your identity?" Can you be a president happily?Why do you look like a hooligan?
"My identity?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Isn't my identity your husband? Nuan Nuan, are you implying me by saying that?"

God pity, she really didn't mean that at all, who is hinting at him, right?It's not like she's full and has nothing to do to hint at him.

However, Rong Jing doesn't care what she thinks, she just does what she wants.

(End of this chapter)

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