You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1722 The sister who sent text messages

Chapter 1722 The sister who sent text messages
After one night, when you saw Fu Mingqi again the next morning, he was no longer as angry as last night, and called him instead.

Seeing that Youyou was finally willing to talk to him, Fu Mingqi was of course happy, and immediately said to him: "Youyou, do you want to go out to play? Brother Qi will take you out to play, okay?"

"Where are you going to play?" Youyou still likes to go out with Brother Qi very much, and last night, brother said that he wants to occupy all of Brother Qi's time, so it is best for him to follow Qi all the time. Brother Qi is together, so Brother Qi won't have time to call and text his girlfriend.

With that in mind, he decided to implement the plan.

Since Youyou asked this question, he must be willing to hang out with him, which means that Youyou is definitely not angry with him anymore. Although Fu Mingqi still doesn't understand the reason for Youyou's anger, he thinks it may be It's the temper of a child.

"Didn't You You tell Brother Qi that you wanted to go skating last time?" Fu Mingqi hugged You You, "Then let's go skating, shall we?"

Hugging Fu Mingqi's neck right and left, although he is already very big, he still likes the feeling of being hugged by Fu Mingqi.He laughed and rubbed his face with Fu Mingqi, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go skating."

After arriving at the skating rink, Youyou wanted to hold Fu Mingqi's hand to rent skates, but Fu Mingqi held his hand instead.

"What's the matter, Brother Qi, aren't we going to rent shoes?"

"Wait a minute, there will be another person coming later." Fu Mingqi looked at the time, and when he looked towards the door, he saw a girl in a white coat rushing over here.

"Sorry, I'm late." The girl was panting, her face flushed slightly from running too fast.

The other party is not particularly beautiful, but he is very good-looking, and he looks very delicate, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

"It's okay, we arrived early." Fu Mingqi held Youyou's hand and said to the girl opposite, "Yuqing, this is my younger brother, called Youyou."

Hu Yuqing saw that her right and right eyes lit up all of a sudden, "Your younger brother looks so cute, how old is he? How can he be so cute?" She likes cute things the most, and so do children. You and You are absolutely cute. It hit her cute spot.

She bent down and wanted to touch Youyou's head, but Youyou took a step back to avoid it.

Hu Yuqing didn't care too much, thinking that Youyou was shy but just shy.

"Youyou, this is Sister Yuqing, she wants to play with us today." Fu Mingqi didn't notice Youyou's increasingly ugly face, and was still introducing Youyou there.

You You originally held Fu Mingqi's hand, but now he let go.

He didn't say a word, and the original smile faded from his face.

Fu Mingqi faintly sensed Youyou's displeasure, so he knelt down and asked him, "Youyou, what's wrong?"

He glanced right and left at Fu Mingqi, didn't say anything else, just asked: "Brother Qi, is this the sister who texted you?"

"This..." Fu Mingqi didn't expect that Youyou would ask such a question, and he was a little embarrassed to answer for a while, scratching his head and nodding, "Yes, that's my sister."

Biting his lips right and left, he didn't say anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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