You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1732 Romance

Chapter 1732 Romance
Rong Jing came back very early today, they didn't go out immediately, but stayed at home for a while, before the children came back, he wanted to get bored quickly.

An Nuan nestled in Rong Jing's arms and kissed his chin, "Brother Jing, what are you taking me to eat today?"

Rong Jing raised her chin and kissed her twice, then said with a smile, "What do you want to eat?"

"I can eat anything." Rong Jing pampered An Nuan unprincipled, "As long as you like it."

"That's it..." An Nuan didn't know what to eat, mainly because she felt that she had eaten all the delicious food, and there was nothing special about it.

"Whatever, as long as you eat with brother Jing, no matter what it is, it's delicious."

Rong Jing smiled and rubbed her nose with her.

The two of them went out around four o'clock, and the children came back not long after they went out, which was really witty.

Rong Jing took An Nuan to a restaurant that combines Chinese and Western cultures. This restaurant has a good reputation and the food is said to be delicious. Rong Jing was also recommended by others.

An Nuan found that this restaurant seems to be very close to the hotel she booked, um, this is very good.

There must be a lot of couples who came out for dinner today. When An Nuan and the others arrived, the seats inside were almost full.

"Mister and Madam, do you have a reservation?" The waiter came up and asked with a smile.

Rong Jing nodded, and the waiter led Rong Jing to the place he reserved.

The atmosphere of this restaurant is very good, the lighting is very soft and a bit dim.

After sitting down, An Nuan looked around, and saw many couples sitting and chatting intimately, some of them were making out while eating, and they kissed together from time to time.

Seeing this, An Nuan's face turned red.

These people really don't pay attention to the occasion, don't they know that there are other people around them watching?

However, this is a place for couples, no matter what you see is normal.

Rong Jing didn't have any special reaction, in his opinion, this was completely pediatrics.

During the meal, Rong Jing served An Nuan very attentively. He chopped the veal steak carefully for An Nuan. He picked out the screws for An Nuan and put them in An Nuan's bowl.

An Nuan enjoyed Rong Jing's service with a smile on her face, well, it's really nice to have someone serve you when you eat.

An Nuan ate very slowly, mainly because she wanted to enjoy Rong Jing's service.

Rong Jing has a good temper, no matter what An Nuan asks of her, he will agree to it, and he will take good care of An Nuan.

By the time she finished eating, An Nuan's stomach was slightly distended.

"Brother Jing, I'm so full." She touched her round belly and sighed contentedly.

Seeing her squinting her eyes enjoying like a cat, Rong Jing really liked it to the bottom of her heart.

After sitting for a while, the two stood up and went out.

The location of this restaurant is very good, not far from the sea.

The seaside is very lively today, there are quite a lot of couples playing there, each couple is very affectionate, and some even kiss together with forgetfulness.

Although it's only February, but I don't know if it's because of having a lover by her side, An Nuan doesn't feel cold at all, instead she feels warm and very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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