chapter 1753
"How about me?" Yan Xiating was not afraid of her brother, she knew that her brother loved her the most since she was a child, no matter what mistakes she made, she would never really get angry with her.

"Okay, okay, I'm not a child, don't control me like before, I know how to do it myself. By the way, brother, how old are you, hurry up and find a girlfriend, If you can't do it, you can just find a boyfriend, right? If you want to go shopping, you have to find your sister."

Yan Jianbo felt that he was really humiliated by his younger sister, but his girlfriend...

Sigh, if it was so easy to find a girlfriend, if you could find it if you wanted, he wouldn't have to be single, would he?Doesn't this seem appropriate?

"By the way, brother, do you have that man's contact information?" Yan Xiating asked her brother.

"No, what?" Yan Jianbo looked at his sister and warned, "Let me tell you, don't give me any tricks, if I know what messed things you have done, be careful and I will stop you in the future." Your pocket money will never be spent on you again."

These words are very effective for Yan Xiating, because all the pocket money she spends now is given by her brother. If her brother really cut off her pocket money cruelly, how can she still go shopping and buy clothes? ?Must be starving.

"Okay, okay, I see. I didn't say what I was going to do. What are you doing so nervous? Besides, it's okay if you don't have the guts yourself, but you still want to suppress my guts. It's really unreasonable." Of course Well, she definitely didn't dare to say the last two sentences aloud, only dared to complain in a low voice.

An Nuan felt that Rong Jing was not in a good mood, so she waved her hand in front of him, "Brother Jing, what's wrong with you?"

Rong Jing looked at her for a while, then shook her head and said nothing.An Nuan felt strange, "Brother Jing, you seem to have something on your mind, what are you thinking about? If you have something on your mind, you can tell your wife, let me enlighten you, how about it?"

Rong Jing smiled, took her hand and kissed her, "How can you enlighten me?"

"All kinds of ways are fine. I can enlighten you as you like." An Nuan smiled and said attractive words with a very innocent expression.If it wasn't for the fact that she was exhausted in the afternoon, Rong Jing would definitely eat her up now without any hesitation.

After the joke, An Nuan looked a little more serious, "Brother Jing, I think you haven't been very happy since you came back in the afternoon. What happened to Undead?"

There was nothing wrong with it. I just received a phone call on the road about the next quarter's design competition.

Jing Nuan Jewelry Company plans to hold a design competition in the next quarter. The contestants can be non-Jing Nuan Jewelry employees, of course they can also be Jing Nuan Jewelry employees.

This competition is very important to both the designers below and the top leaders, but something went wrong during the preliminary competition. Two designers actually quarreled because of the similar designs, and even fought. One of the designers The teacher's hand was also injured.

For designers, hands are the most important thing, even disfigurement is more acceptable to them than hand injuries.

According to the doctor, the designer...

(End of this chapter)

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