You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 176 What a Handsome Boy

Chapter 176 What a Handsome Boy
Although everyone complained very much in their hearts, no one dared to speak out.

Although they didn't get along for a long time, perhaps less than an hour, but in just a few minutes, everyone in class [-] knew clearly that their young instructor was really not easy to mess with.

Therefore, if you don't want to be scolded and scolded, you'd better choose to be obedient.

So, everyone started to stand in a military posture honestly.

Originally, if I just stood in my own way, maybe I wouldn't be so tired.But after being corrected by the instructor, the movements became even more tiring. Before 10 minutes had passed, many people couldn't stand it anymore. They secretly started to relax while the instructor didn't see it.

Nearly half an hour later, An Nuan couldn't stand anymore, she felt sore and sore all over, but she didn't dare to move, for fear that the instructor would find out that she was a model, and it would be bad if she pulled her up to give a lecture. She really loves face of.So I can only endure it.

"Report to the instructor!" Suddenly, a male voice sounded.

When the instructor heard it, he turned his gaze and motioned for him to speak.

"Instructor, the girl in front of me seems to be unable to hold on anymore." The boy looked straight ahead and said.

The instructor walked over to the girl standing in front of him, and found that the girl's face was already pale, and her body was shaking. It seemed that she really couldn't hold on anymore. "You, come out and rest." The instructor said to her.

After hearing this, the girl was relieved as if she had been pardoned, and walked slowly to rest under the shade of the tree.

Seeing this, many people are very envious, and they also want to take a break if they can't hold on.But some people don't want to be so useless, especially boys.After all, there are so many girls in the class, if they are so weak as boys, they will definitely be looked down upon.Therefore, even if it is to win their breath, they must persevere to the end.

Later, two more girls came out.

This hour must have been the longest hour for everyone in class seven.When the instructor said that the time was up, it was really like the sound of nature. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed immediately.

"Rest in place for 15 minutes." The instructor said loudly, and then ignored them.

An Nuan was exhausted, so she hurriedly found a shaded place to sit down and rest, and didn't care if the place where she was sitting was hurrying up, she couldn't stand anymore.

Rong Jing also walked to her side, and asked softly, "Are you tired?"

"Yeah, I'm exhausted." An Nuan rubbed her shoulders, "The shoulders are so sore, and so are the legs."

Rong Jing stood behind her and squeezed her shoulders, "Just get used to it, and standing in a military posture is also good for your body."

"But the instructor is so fierce." When she said this, An Nuan cautiously glanced in the instructor's direction, for fear that he might overhear.

Rong Jing smiled, "Strict teachers produce high-quality apprentices. Didn't the principal say that after ten days, all classes will have to check the results. The better our grades are, the better the instructor's face will be?"

"I know that, but you don't have to be so fierce, right?" Alas, these ten days seem to be difficult.

When the others saw An Nuan and Rong Jing being so close, they all looked at them with puzzled eyes.

Because the school has just started, most of the people in the class are unfamiliar, but judging from the words and deeds of Rong Jing and An Nuan, they must have known each other before.

Especially some girls, they didn't realize that there is such a handsome boy in their class?He's really handsome, especially when he just laughed, he could almost let him laugh away.

(End of this chapter)

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