You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1762 Market

Chapter 1762 Market
There are no flush toilets here, just very traditional ones.

When she saw the toilet, Qi Qi was afraid.

"Mommy, this is disgusting, I don't want to do it." Yesterday she solved it directly outside, but today she can't go outside because she has to poop.

An Nuan was quite embarrassed, in fact, she also felt disgusted, but there was no way, the people here were all like this, since they came, they naturally had to follow the Romans, right?

"Qiqi, if you don't go up, you'll be in your trousers. How old are you, do you still want to be in your trousers? If your classmates find out about this, they will definitely laugh at you. "

As soon as Qi Qi heard this, she felt embarrassed. It would be very embarrassing if she was laughed at by her classmates, but this place is really too dirty.

In the end, Qiqi still held back and refused to go up, no matter what An Nuan said, it was useless.

Later, it was Xiulian who saw it and brought a small clean toilet and asked Qi Qi to sit on it.

"Sister Xiulian, I'm really bothering you." An Nuan felt quite sorry, after all, they were guests, so it was embarrassing to bother the host so much.

Xiulian quickly waved her hand, "Don't say that, we should say sorry, you are from the city, you are definitely not used to things here. If there is anything you are not used to in the future, just tell me, I will If it can be solved, I will help you solve it."

Hearing what Xiulian said, An Nuan was very moved, and she became more fond of this woman in her heart.

After solving the three emergencies, Xiulian asked Chen Hui to take them to the market.

Xiulian and Yugen are going out to do work today, so they don't have time to accompany them.

Chen Hui is a very dedicated tour guide, and he can explain clearly to them no matter what problems they encounter on the way to the market.

"Chen Hui, are you still in school?" An Nuan asked Chen Hui.

Chen Hui nodded. "Yes, I'm still in school, and I'm going to be in the third grade soon."

"That's not bad. Where is the school on your side? I don't seem to have seen it." An Nuan looked around, but she did not see the school.

Chen Hui explained to her: "The school here is relatively far away, because all the surrounding villages share the same school, so I chose a middle location, and it takes about an hour to walk there from home."

"It's so far away?" An Nuan wondered, "Then how do you usually get there? Do you have a car?"

"You don't need a car, you just walk." Chen Hui said in a very normal way, "We have always walked this way, from elementary school to now."

It takes one hour for one trip, and two hours for the round trip. It takes such a long way to go every day.

An Nuan thought it was very hard, but looking at Chen Hui's expression, she felt that this was a very natural thing, and she didn't think it was a big deal at all.

Youyou said in disbelief: "It's a long way to walk for an hour, I'm sure I won't be able to walk." Usually he would feel tired after walking for half an hour, let alone an hour, right?It's just horrific.

"So look at big brother, how powerful is he? You, don't be so delicate to me in the future." An Nuan nodded her right nose.

Sticking out his tongue right and left, he quickly looked around again.

It took more than an hour to get to the market from here. Chen Hui originally planned to walk there, but An Nuan decided to take a taxi after knowing the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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