You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1766 Youyou is so brave

Chapter 1766 Youyou is so brave

"It's okay, the stream is not deep, and the children often go there to play." Xiulian was not worried at all. The children in the countryside are all rough-skinned and thick-skinned. They either go to the mountains to play or play in the water all day long. What can happen? Woolen cloth.

But not long after, she suddenly heard loud noises coming from outside. Xiulian felt that something was wrong, so she went out to check the situation.

"Oh, sister-in-law Juying, your child has fallen into the water, why don't you hurry up and take a look." Someone said to a woman in her thirties.

The woman turned pale when she heard that, "What, fell into the water? How did it fall into the water?" After speaking, she rushed over in a hurry.

Xiulian couldn't help becoming worried when she heard this, and said to An Nuan, "Let's go and have a look too, it seems that something happened to those children."

An Nuan nodded, and went out with Xiulian.

When they got to the creek, An Nuan saw a group of children gathered together, not knowing what they were doing.

When the adults went over to disperse the children, An Nuan saw that You You was lying on his stomach and giving artificial respiration to a boy.

"He's awake." An Nuan walked over just in time to hear Youyou's words, and then saw the boy lying down coughing violently.

The boy was about ten years old, and his eyebrows and eyes were quite handsome. I don't know how he fell into the water.

"Junjun, Junjun, are you alright?" Juying rushed over at once, and was terrified when she saw her son's wet and sluggish expression. She was just such a son, and if she had a good or bad son, she wouldn't have to live.

"Look at mom, are you okay, Junjun?"

When Junjun opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Youyou, and when he was unconscious, he felt as if someone was kissing him, it was soft and fragrant, and the taste was very comfortable.

Seeing his mother's worried expression, Junjun shook his head and said, "Mom, I'm fine."

When a few children were playing just now, because he saw several duck eggs on the other side, he wanted to go to get them, but he didn't expect his feet to cramp suddenly, and he sank.

Those of them who play in the water every day are generally good at water, but no one noticed him except Youyou at the time, so Youyou rescued him.

"Did you save me?" Jun Jun asked right and left.

Youyou is also quite tired now, Junjun is older than him and much stronger than him, it is already very difficult for him to drag him up, and he is even more tired after artificial respiration.

Hearing Junjun's question, Youyou nodded, "Yes, I saved you."

"Thank you." After Junjun woke up, he felt that there was nothing serious about it. Their rural children are in good health, and generally they are still alive and kicking if there is no serious problem.

"My name is Han Jiajun, you can call me Junjun." Junjun walked over and said to Youyou.

You You tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then smiled and said, "My name is Rong Chen, you can call me You You."

"Hello, Youyou, can we be good friends from now on?" Junjun sent out an invitation.

Youyou nodded, "Of course." He likes making friends the most.

Originally, Han Jiajun didn't think much of the kids from the city, but Brother Chen Hui brought Youyou, so he gave him some face and asked him to play with them, but unexpectedly, when he had an accident, he actually It was the boy from the city who saved him.

(End of this chapter)

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