You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1779 Reserve a place for me

Chapter 1779 Reserve a place for me
"And what?" An Nuan looked at Ruru's expression, so there was a hint of cunning?

"Ruru, you have to be careful, if you are always so thieves, I really want to kill my relatives?" Really, the better you treat her, the more she will become more and more indifferent, An Nuan began to reflect on whether she should quickly put up the boss's shelf, or else the employees would stand on top of her.

Ru Ru chuckled and touched her stomach. No one would understand such a suggestive gesture.

So, all eyes turned to her stomach.

"No, Ruru, you have this?" An Nuan was very surprised, but after being surprised, she was happy.

Ruru has always said that she doesn't want a child, and thinks it's too troublesome, but no, she finally has one, and if she doesn't have another child, she will be an advanced mother.

"Really? Didn't you just say you wanted to get pregnant two months ago?"

This is too fast, the child was conceived not long after I said I was going to conceive, the efficiency is really good.

At this moment, Ruru felt embarrassed, and put on a shy smile.

Seeing Ruru like this, An Nuan was really happy for her.

"Sister Ruru, if that's the case, aren't you going to be suspended?" Qianqian asked.

Speaking of this, Ruru felt a little lost.

"Yeah, actually, I don't think it's a problem, but it's just to get along with small animals? But my husband and mother-in-law don't agree, and even the family dog ​​is fostered in other people's homes. Sigh, there are still eight or nine more to come." What about Yue, it's really miserable."

Ruru felt that her idea of ​​not having children before was indeed correct, because once she has children, all kinds of troubles will come, which is really annoying.

But it feels good to have children, a little life of your own, this feeling is really novel.

An Nuan sighed. Most of the employees on her side have been working for a long time, and many of them left because of pregnancy and childbirth.

Ruru is an old employee here, she has been working for a long time, and she has a good relationship with her, so she is really reluctant to leave now.

"Boss, you must save this position for me. I will come back after I give birth. I am used to working here, and I don't want to do it in other places. I find it boring." Is the working environment here good? Said, and the colleagues get along very well with each other, there is no intrigue among colleagues like in other companies.

Besides, Ruru likes small animals very much, and dealing with animals makes her feel very at ease and satisfied. She doesn't want to find a job dealing with people, it's too tiring.

"Of course, as long as you are willing to come back, the door of our place will always be open for you." An Nuan said with a smile. She also likes Ruru, a lively and energetic girl.

"What kind of gate, it's clearly a small gate." Ruru started to lose touch with the door again, An Nuan really wanted to go up and pinch it, in such a warm atmosphere, couldn't she say something nice?

But as soon as Ruru left, the staff change was indeed going to be brought up. An Nuan asked her to hand over her work to Qianqian before she left, and let Qianqian take her place temporarily. As for whether to hire someone, I will talk about it later Bar.

(End of this chapter)

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