Chapter 181
It was only on the third day of the military training that An Nuan found out that the instructor's surname was Yuan, Yuan Qin, which was quite a special name.

The original instructor was as strict as ever, but I don’t know if everyone has better adaptability. On the third day, they were already immune to his harsh behavior.

Instructor Yuan Qin seemed to like Rong Jing very much, and was very satisfied every time he saw his movements, and occasionally showed a smile.And Rong Jing also showed up several times to demonstrate to everyone.

It's the same this time.

They were learning to walk forward, but many of them were very uncoordinated, and some even kept their hands and feet in the same place, which made the former instructor very angry.

"Look at Rong Jing, watch his movements carefully. I don't understand, can you not learn such a simple movement? Ah? What did you all eat to grow up? Look carefully, look at others, Look at yourselves again." The voice of the former instructor was full of dissatisfaction with them.

Then, the former instructor asked Rong Jing to rest for a while and stand at attention, and then let him walk forward.

Rong Jing's movements are indeed very beautiful, like flowing clouds and flowing water, not only standard, but also revealing such a sense of nobility, which makes people think it is a visual enjoyment.In particular, he is handsome, which adds points to his actions.

Many girls stared straight at him, and some even swallowed secretly.

An Nuan felt very proud, this is her elder brother Jing, how handsome.Only she has such a good brother Jing, no one else has.

You Lulu who was standing next to An Nuan whispered to An Nuan, "An Nuan, Rong Jing is really handsome."

"Of course, brother Jing has always been so handsome." These words are very honorable.

During the break in the afternoon, Class [-] will play songs with Class [-].

Pulling songs can also be regarded as one of the items of military training, but it is considered a leisure item.An Nuan found that whenever they were pulling songs, their instructor's expressions softened a little, and they didn't look so fierce.It seems that he should really like to sing.

Yesterday, the former instructor taught them a song "Return from Shooting", so when singing, Class [-] sang this.

Although the original instructor looks so fierce, his songs are really good, his voice is clear and loud, and he is very powerful when he sings military songs.

"Students, our class seven can't lose to class one, let them know that the word seven is greater than one!" the former instructor said to the students in class seven.

The students in class [-] responded immediately: "Don't worry, instructor, our class [-] is doing well, and we will definitely win class [-]."

Seeing that the former instructors began to mobilize, the instructors of class one were not far behind, "Boys of class one, are you the best?"

"Yes!" The class responded loudly.

"Instructor, besides Erlang, there are also girls." An Nuan hurriedly said loudly after hearing what the instructors said.

This made everyone in the two classes laugh.

The instructors of class one seemed a little embarrassed, and smiled foolishly, and then said again: "Girls and girls of class one, do you have the confidence to win class seven?"

"Yes!" The voice of the answer is still loud, but there are also a few laughter from time to time.

Then, the two classes began to "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, we waited so impatiently" or "winter melon rind and watermelon rind, if the first class doesn't come to play tricks", you will come and go.

In the end, both classes sang several military songs, and the two instructors also sang a military song together under the booing of the students.

In fact, in private, the former instructor is also very cute. When singing, he is like a child, full of enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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