You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1834 I Disagree

Chapter 1834 I Disagree
After An's mother left, An Nuan stuck out her tongue, and said to Rong Jing: "Brother Jing, do you think Mom thinks we are too good at taking care of children? But we only occasionally, right?" Not often Ah, most of the time, they are very conscientious in preparing all kinds of delicious food for the children.

"It's okay, anyway, even if Mom has an opinion, there is nothing I can do." He pointed to the three children who were waiting to be fed, "The children like it, so we can only cooperate."

An Nuan knew that Zuo Zuo didn't like these so-called "junk foods" very much, so she bought him a special porridge.

"Zuo Zuo, you told Mommy last time that you don't plan to practice Taekwondo this year, right?"

Zuo Zuo has been practicing taekwondo for several years, but An Nuan was a little surprised when she suddenly told her that she didn't want to practice anymore.

Zuo Zuo swallowed what was in his mouth, nodded and said.

"Yes, Mommy, I plan to practice martial arts."

"Martial arts?" When An Nuan heard these two words, the first thing An Nuan thought of was people like Bruce Lee Huo Yuanjia. Their Chinese Kung Fu is very good. "Do you mean Chinese Kung Fu?"


Having practiced Taekwondo for so many years, Zuo Zuo felt that he had already mastered the essence of Taekwondo, but the more he learned it, the less interested he was in Taekwondo. He has developed a strong interest, so he wants to learn Chinese Kung Fu right now.

"That's it..." An Nuan shook the pizza and pondered, thinking that it would not be so easy to learn authentic Chinese Kung Fu, and her son would definitely be dismissive of ordinary martial arts schools.

Because among children of his age, he is already the best.

"Then Zuo Zuo, what do you think?"

"I want to go to Shaolin Temple."


As soon as Zuo Zuo spoke, An Nuan vomited out the drink she just drank.

Fortunately, she knew to face the outside when she vomited, otherwise she would have vomited all over the dining table.

Wiping her mouth, An Nuan said in disbelief: "Zuo Zuo, how did you think of this?" Really, where is Shaolin Temple?That's for monks.

How old is her son, is it possible that she is going to start to be pure-hearted and ascetic?It is so worrying.

Seeing that An Nuan was so excited, Rong Jing reminded her: "Not only monks can go to Shaolin Temple, besides, after becoming a monk, can't you return to the vulgar?"

"It's different." An Nuan glared at him, really, how could she not be so sad about the child's matter, right?What if Zuo Zuo really became a monk?
"Zuo Zuo is only so old, how can he go to Shaolin Temple?" Anyway, she was worried.

Although it is not allowed to go to Shaolin Temple, it is not a problem for Zuo Zuo to find a master who has learned kung fu in Shaolin Temple.

"Zuo Zuo, you must give up the idea of ​​going to Shaolin Temple, you know? Listen to Mommy, Shaolin Temple is really not fun, and after arriving at Shaolin Temple, there is no good food to eat. Said, and there are no snacks to eat." It's too miserable, isn't it?
Zuo Zuo looked up at An Nuan, and said calmly, "Mummy, I'm not You You and Qi Qi."

An Nuan: ...

"What's wrong with us?" Qi Qi and You You asked with their mouths full of greasy food, looking up in puzzlement, they couldn't hear what they were saying just now at all.

(End of this chapter)

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