You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1839 The rent is not paid yet

Chapter 1839 The rent is not paid yet
After those people left, An Nuan asked Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, is there still no news about Panpan?" She didn't expect that the matter of Panpan would become so serious that people would come to the door to find someone.

Xiaomei shook her head, worry was written all over her face, "No, I have been to her house several times, but no one was there every time. It is the place she rented, boss, do you think she has moved? gone?"

An Nuan can't imagine where Panpan will go, but it seems unreasonable to just ignore her like this. Panpan is a very honest girl, if she is really deceived...

Thinking of what might happen to her, An Nuan couldn't sit idly by.

After thinking about it, she said to Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, let's go to Panpan's place again this afternoon and see if we can find any clues."

Xiaomei nodded, "Okay, boss."

In the afternoon, after arriving at Xiaomei's rented place, An Nuan frowned when she saw the environment in front of her.

"Xiaomei, Panpan used to live here?" Although it can't be called a slum area, the environment looks really bad, and the neighborhood is very old, and the security is not good, just like just now, it is difficult for strangers to come in and out. is no problem.

If thieves and thieves enter at night, who can control it?And there are only two or three security guards, and they are all elderly people.

This is really... An Nuan shook her head as she thought about it.

"Yes, she said that the rent here is cheap, only 300 yuan a month is enough. Oh, how expensive the house is now, it costs thousands of yuan to rent casually. I heard Xiaomei say that the house in her family The conditions are not very good, and there is an older brother who is waiting to get married, so it is natural to save if you can." Xiaomei said with a sigh.This is the helplessness of the poor.

An Nuan never knew about Xiaomei's situation before, and she never said anything about it.

Seeing that she didn't talk much and always did things quietly, An Nuan thought that this girl might have such a personality, but she didn't expect that maybe she chose to keep silent because of low self-esteem.

It seems that she still doesn't care enough about her employees.

An Nuan knocked on the door for a while, but no one came to open it.Just as they were about to leave, a fat woman came with a young boy.

"Who are you?" The fat woman looked at An Nuan and Xiaomei for a while and asked, "Are you also here to see the house?"

"Look at the house?" An Nuan quickly shook her head and said, "No, we didn't come to see the house, are you the landlord here?"

"Yes, I am the landlord here." The fat woman took out the key and opened the house that Xiaomei had rented, "If you are not here to come to see the house, you should leave quickly, the place here is not spacious, there is no extra space for you to stand on."

Seeing her open Xiaomei's room, An Nuan asked, "Well, landlord, is this room occupied? What about the people who used to live here?"

"The person who lives here?" The landlord waved his hand and said, "Don't mention that person. She owes me a month's rent. She said that she will pay it after a few days of financial difficulties. I think she is a little girl outside. It was not easy, so I agreed. I didn't expect that I would be a good person but she would be a bad person. She moved away without knowing when, and I wasted more than a month's rent for nothing. I really have no conscience. "

(End of this chapter)

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