You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1844 Mommy is Terrible

Chapter 1844 Mommy is Terrible

After Fu Mingqi really left, Youyou became unhappy again, and muttered with a small mouth: "Brother Qi is so disgusting, he only came back for one night and left, he must have gone to accompany his girlfriend, I will never I like Brother Qi. Hmph." After finishing speaking, he lost all thoughts of playing games and whispering to Junjun.

An Nuan looked amused, walked over and sat down in front of You You, and stared at him.

Tsk tsk, it turns out that my son is such an awkward little guy. He clearly likes Brother Qi to death, but he insists on being arrogant. What an awkward character.

"Mommy, why are you looking at me like that?" An Nuan felt that the expression on his mother's face was like a big bad wolf coaxing a little white rabbit. Terrible.

He involuntarily moved his butt back two steps, looking at his mommy vigilantly.

"Mommy, is there anything weird on my face?"

An Nuan shook her head, propped her chin with one hand, and smiled quite strangely.

Seeing this smile made one's hair stand on end, thinking, is Mommy bewitched?

When watching TV or movies, people who are possessed by evil spirits sometimes behave like this. It is really scary. Should he go to a Taoist priest to exorcise Mommy?

"Qiqi, tell Mommy, do you not like Brother Qi? Well, Brother Qi is not a child of our family. If you don't like him, or Mommy will tell him, so that he will never Don't come to our house, okay? Otherwise, it will upset you if you see it all the time." An Nuan seemed to be thinking seriously.

Youyou became anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Don't, Mommy, how can you do this? Brother Qi is now a member of our family, how can you drive him away? No, mom Mi, if you do this, I will be angry." After finishing speaking, he put on an angry expression, proving that he was not joking, and that he would really be angry.

Seeing his anxious look, An Nuan couldn't help laughing.

Seeing An Nuan's smile, You You knew that she was cheated by Mommy, and said dissatisfiedly: "Mommy, how can you lie to me? Mommy, you are so annoying, I don't want to talk to you anymore." After finishing speaking He turned his head away, with an expression that I want to fight with you.

An Nuan felt that her son looked so cute, so she reached out and patted his head.

"Youyou, if you always ignore Brother Qi, Brother Qi will be angry and sad. Be careful next time, even if you want to talk to Brother Qi, Brother Qi will ignore you."

"But Brother Qi ignored me first. Mommy, does Brother Qi really have a girlfriend? He already has a girlfriend, so he only likes his girlfriend and spends money on it. Since he doesn't like Youyou, then Youyou doesn't plan to like him anymore, anyway, he doesn't care about my liking, does he?" Saying that, Youyou became sad.

He still likes Brother Qi very much, but Brother Qi always does his own thing, and he no longer plays with him as before when he comes back. alright.

"Silly boy, why doesn't brother Qi like you? Of course he likes you."

(End of this chapter)

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