Chapter 185
The next day, An Nuan's dysmenorrhea was almost gone, so she started to go to military training vigorously again.

I don't know if it's because I still remember An Nuan asking for leave yesterday, but An Nuan always felt that the former instructor looked unnatural when he saw her.

But what surprised An Nuan even more was that the former instructor actually took the initiative to ask about her situation.

"Student An, is your... sick? Is it okay? If you still don't feel well, it's okay to ask for leave today." The former instructor had a good impression of An Nuan. She is weak and weak, but she was not squeamish at all during the military training, and her movements were very standard and beautiful.

An Nuan smiled brightly at the former instructor, "Go back to the instructor, I'm ready, thank you for your concern."

Instructor Yuan looked at her and smiled faintly.

During the military training parade, everyone in the class was very nervous.

After all, this is a competition for all first-year high school classes. It is for ranking, and it can also be regarded as the first competition after entering high school. Therefore, every class wants to get a good ranking.

The leader of the boys in Class [-] is naturally Rong Jing. After all, he is not only handsome but also has standard movements. It would be unreasonable not to appoint him as the team leader.

As long as the female team leader is a girl with a height of more than 1.7 meters, she is also quite beautiful, and she matches well with Rong Jing.

An Nuan felt uncomfortable when she saw Rong Jing standing with other girls and looking at the handsome and beautiful.So I don't like that girl very much.

Zhang Zhixin whispered to An Nuan: "I think Rong Jing and Tang Hui are a good match. Do you think it's like an idol drama? The men are handsome and the women are beautiful."

"Is there?" An Nuan's tone was displeased, "Tang Hui isn't very good-looking, is she?" Tsk, isn't she just a little taller, she is not short, and she can grow longer.

Zhang Zhixin glanced at An Nuan's words, then at Rong Jing in front of her, and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" An Nuan was puzzled.

Zhang Zhixin quickly shook her head, "No, nothing."

An Nuan knew that the reason why she laughed must have something to do with her, but she didn't ask too much.

When the military training parade officially started, all the instructors and students began to be serious.Because there was a dress rehearsal yesterday afternoon, so I know how to go to class and how to arrange.

An Nuan and the others are in class seven, so they are far behind.

The first few classes looked good, and when they shouted slogans, they were very loud and full of momentum.But when Class [-] was leaving, a boy tripped and fell for some unknown reason, and the whole team was thrown into chaos.

Seeing the accident in class six, the former instructor was also very nervous, for fear that something unexpected would happen to the class he led.But fortunately, Class [-] was still doing well, and he performed well from the beginning to the end, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

In the end, Class 2 lived up to the expectations of the original instructor and took a No.[-].Although not the first, but this result is already very good.

Whether it is the instructor or the students in Class [-], they are very satisfied and very happy.

After the military training demonstration is over, the instructors will leave.

An Nuan didn't expect it to be so fast, she thought she would stay tonight and leave tomorrow, but in the end, even the car drove in.

An Nuan's eyes turned red when she saw the instructors queuing up to leave.Of course, it wasn't just her, many girls in the class were about to cry, and even some boys were a little bit sore.

The former instructor was indeed very strict with them, but he was also very kind to them.

Moreover, it was precisely because of his sternness that they were able to achieve good results during the performance.These are all his credit.

(End of this chapter)

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