You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1875 Miserable

Chapter 1875 Miserable
Nan Nan shook her head and nodded again, "It's not that I don't like it, it's just that I think it's a little too sweet. I don't particularly like things that are too sweet, but I like salty things." After saying that, she went to eat something made by her mother Sushi is out.

Seeing that her daughter loves to eat the sushi she made, Shan Yanyan was of course happy.

The two families sat together and chatted while eating. Although these things were not a regular meal, everyone ate very happily. The smiles on everyone’s faces were bright, especially the children, who ate happily and laughed happily. , The smile on the face is very satisfied.

What a great feeling to take the kids on a picnic outing in the sun.

After eating, An Nuan lay on the lawn, enjoying the warm sunlight shining on her body. It was so warm and comfortable, she almost fell asleep.

"Mummy, look at that man, is he begging for food?" Qi Qi suddenly pushed An Nuan.

An Nuan murmured and opened his eyes, and saw an old man begging with a bowl in his hand, but basically no one paid attention to him, and walked past him without seeing him, and some people even begged for food when they saw him Some are impatient, and some even push people away.

Seeing this, Qiqi felt very angry, her small face wrinkled and dissatisfied: "Mum, why are they pushing people? This is an old man, what if he falls down? Why are you so unsympathetic."

This old man looked quite old, at least 80 to [-] years old, leaning on a cane, and his eyes looked not very good.

Many beggars nowadays are deceitful. It has been reported in the news. During the day, beggars lie on the ground pitifully begging. When the begging is over, they will take out the latest mobile phones. Some of them may even return There will be luxury cars and even luxury houses. You know, begging is also a very lucrative job.

There are many such reports, and over time, more and more people no longer believe in beggars, and are unwilling to give alms after seeing them.

An Nuan usually only gives a little when she sees old people or children, as for those young people who look at them in good health, they don't bother.

It's not good to do something with hands and feet, isn't it, as for going out to beg for food?She didn't want to waste her sympathy on such a person.

"Mommy, can we give him something to eat?" Qi Qi asked An Nuan while holding some dim sum and sushi they hadn't finished eating.

"Of course." An Nuan said to her with a smile, "Go and give it to grandpa."

"Okay Mommy." Qiqi walked over when she got Annuan, stretched out her little hand in front of the beggar, and said to him with a smile, "Grandpa, this is a dessert made by my mommy and my aunt. What to eat?"

The beggar couldn't help laughing when he saw such a cute and elf girl, "Thank you, kid, thank you." He took it and smiled kindly at Qiqi.

His teeth are not so good anymore, but these snacks are relatively soft, so it is easy to eat.

In addition to food, Qiqi also gave him the five yuan in his pocket, "Grandpa, where is your child? Why doesn't your child take care of you?" Qiqi asked curiously.

Speaking of children, tears welled up in the beggar's eyes, "My children are gone, they are all dead."

(End of this chapter)

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