You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 1946 Officially Establishing the Relationship

Chapter 1946 Officially Establishing the Relationship
An Nuan thought for a while, and said to him: "Follow what I said just now, to perform an autopsy on your dog. I know, you definitely don't want the big golden retriever to suffer when it dies, but this is the best and only way. If you don't find out the problem, will you dare to rest assured to raise a dog in the future?"

These words made the man fall into deep thought. Not long after, he agreed to perform an autopsy on the big golden retriever. An Nuan said that she could pay for the autopsy.

After the man left, Shan Yanyan said in a cold tone: "It's a pity that the golden retriever follows him with such an owner. Really, the dog knows to cause trouble for us when it dies. Who knows if it's him who doesn't like it?" Carefully killed?"

Shan Yanyan was most annoyed by those people who would shirk the responsibility on others if something happened.

"Don't say that, after all, it's a close pet, it must be uncomfortable." An Nuan couldn't help but twitched when she thought of Robou.

Shan Yanyan knew about Bandit, and she could tell from her expression that she must have thought of Bandit. She patted her on the shoulder and said, "Your Bandit died of old age. This is the best ending. You should be happy." Yes, why are you still sad?"

That's true, their family is so obedient and happy, she shouldn't be so sad.

The store needs to be cleaned up. The cleaning in the winter is killing people, but in the past two days, it is said that people from the health bureau will come to the area for spot checks. If they are picked up and judged to be unsanitary, it will be miserable.

So in order not to be so miserable in the future, let's practice good hygiene now.

An Nuan's hands were red from the cold, and she wiped the glass with a rag.

Others wipe the table, sweep the floor, sweep the floor, and clean the room.

"Do you think the people in the Health Bureau are full and have nothing to do? Why do you have to come to check the hygiene? We are not a food store, why do we do such a good hygiene? Just keep the pets in good shape Can’t it be enough?” Qianqian mopped the floor exhausted, complaining while saying, “Usually I don’t see how much contribution these people who eat the imperial food have made for us, every time I know that there is nothing to do.”

The others echoed Qianqian's words, and said: "If you want to check, just check, you can't come in summer, can you? You have to come in winter. It's fine if you come in winter, you should choose a warmer day anyway." , it turned out that we had to choose to come at the coldest time, which is really speechless."

So, everyone complained about the people in the Health Bureau and worked hard. By noon, they finally cleaned up the inside and outside of the store, and it looked brand new. It was really cool.

It was still very cold at first, but as soon as I worked, my body became very hot. An Nuan felt that it was hot inside, and she needed to take off her clothes.

"Sure enough, it looks cleaner. Comrades, are you hungry? Let's go eat hot pot at noon." An Nuan wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to everyone, "Let's continue to do other things in the afternoon when we are full. , so you stuffed my stomach tightly at noon, you know?"

As soon as they heard that there was hot pot for lunch, they didn't care about the work in the afternoon. Anyway, the task now is to wait until they are full.

Eating is a big deal, isn't it?No matter what you want to do, you must first fill your stomach. It seems that the boss's consciousness is really very high.

(End of this chapter)

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