You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 195 Yu Lulu's Birthday Invitation

Chapter 195 Yu Lulu's Birthday Invitation

The matter of meeting Qiu Yue was quickly forgotten by An Nuan, after all, to her, Qiu Yue was just an insignificant person.

After arriving in the classroom the next morning, An Nuan gave Tang Hui the love letter that Meng Qiran had given her.

When Tang Hui saw this letter, she immediately blushed. It was completely different from her usual cold feeling. Immediately, she became a lot younger and looked even more beautiful.

Seeing her appearance, An Nuan smiled a few times and said, "Tang Hui, you have to read the contents carefully. When the senior handed it to me, she was very serious and pious. You must not let her down, you know ?"

Tang Hui glared at her and put the envelope away, "Okay, your task is done, you can go."

"Ah, you actually crossed the river and demolished the bridge?" An Nuan pretended to be shocked, "Why are you swollen like this? I'm very sad."

Tang Hui couldn't laugh or cry, she felt that An Nuan was really a treasure.

An Nuan was very interested in the content of Meng Qiran's love letter, and wanted to see what he wrote, but obviously, she would never know.However, she really hoped that the two of them could be together, because the more she thought about it, the more she felt that they were a perfect match, one cold and the other warm, absolutely a perfect match.

Christmas day happened to be Yu Lulu's birthday, and coincidentally, that day was also a Sunday.So, on Friday, You Lulu invited several students in the class to her birthday party, among them were Rong Jing and An Nuan.

In fact, You Lulu didn't really want to invite An Nuan, but she knew that if An Nuan didn't go, Rong Jing would definitely not go either, so she could only invite An Nuan together.

When inviting Rong Jing, You Lulu specially said to him: "Rong Jing, this is my 16th birthday party, you must come." After speaking, she looked at him with eager eyes.

Rong Jing's response was indifferent, only saying: "If I have time, I will go."

Seeing him so lukewarm, You Lulu was a little depressed, but she didn't know what to say, so she kept silent.

When An Nuan accepted You Lulu's invitation, she didn't really want to go, but Zhang Zhixin said that she would go too, and asked her to go too, otherwise she would be bored.She had no choice but to agree.

If you are going to someone's birthday party, you will naturally have to give a gift.After school on Friday, An Nuan took Rong Jing to choose gifts.

To be honest, An Nuan doesn't really like You Lulu very much, because she always feels that this girl is a bit hypocritical and contrived.She could tell that You Lulu definitely liked Rong Jing, so she definitely didn't like her.However, every time she faced her, Yu Lulu always had a smile on her face, as if she had a good relationship with her.This made An Nuan feel very awkward.

As for the gift, An Nuan doesn't care, since there are no boutiques, just pick one at random.She doesn't care, and Rong Jing naturally doesn't care.If An Nuan didn't take him out to buy gifts, he would definitely not bring gifts at all.It should be said that if An Nuan hadn't been going, he definitely wouldn't have gone.

"I'll just give you a headband, brother Jing, how about you?" An Nuan took a headband and thought it looked pretty, so she asked the clerk to wrap it up.

Rong Jing looked at it, took a cup casually, "Just give the cup."

"You can't give a cup." An Nuan immediately put the cup that Rong Jing was holding back, "Brother Jing, don't you know that a cup lasts forever, if you give a cup, maybe people will misunderstand you. "

(End of this chapter)

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