You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2000 Flattering

Chapter 2000 Flattering

Seeing Youyou looking at her with expectant eyes, An Nuan's heart suddenly softened.

No matter what mistakes my son made, as long as he is willing to admit his mistakes, the mother will be very happy.

Besides, it's impossible for An Nuan to be really angry. Seeing his amused appearance at this moment has already made him laugh, how can he continue to be angry?

An Nuan beckoned You You to come over, You You stood up and walked in front of An Nuan, An Nuan untied the branch from his back.

"This branch grows well, right and left, since you said you did something wrong, would you agree if Mommy said she wanted to beat you up?" An Nuan patted the branch on her palm Looking at it, that posture seems to be full, and the heart on the right and the left follow the branches up and down, quite disturbed.

So, Youyou hurriedly acted cute and coquettish with An Nuan, "Mum, you won't hit me, will you? Look, I'm so cute, and I'm so good. It's too late for you to hurt me. How could you hit me?" What's more, if I hurt, Mommy will feel more distressed, right Mommy?"

"No." An Nuan shook her head mercilessly, "I just like beating children, your brother and your sister are so obedient and obedient, Mommy can't beat them, but you made a mistake today, so Mommy is upset, Mommy I want to beat you well to vent my anger. How about, let Mommy beat you?"

An Nuan made a face, looking like she was really going to hit him.

Youyou's heart was half cold. At first, he thought that he would follow Lin Xiangru's example and apologize to Mommy, and Mommy would definitely forgive him. Unexpectedly, Mommy wanted to beat him. How could he be so miserable?
Youyou has a bitter face, as if about to cry or not.

"Mommy, I will never say anything that makes Mommy unhappy again. Mommy will forgive me this time, okay? Of course, if Mommy really wants to hit me, it's okay, but Mommy, you wait Can you be lighter when you hit me later? I’m afraid of pain, if it hurts a lot, I’ll cry.” She sniffled as she spoke.

An Nuan suppressed a smile, "It depends on your performance later on. If your performance satisfies me, I will hit you twice less and hit it lighter. But if your performance dissatisfies me , I won’t show mercy.”

Does it depend on his performance?You are confused, how can you behave when you are beaten?He really doesn't know.

Thus, Youyou was "beaten" by An Nuan in a daze.

Youyou, who was frightened half to death and thought he was really going to be beaten, laughed after feeling the soft force of An Nuan hitting him with a branch.

"Mum, I knew you loved me, you must not be willing to hit me, are you?" You You hugged An Nuan tightly, and kissed her face desperately.

Now Rong Jing was not happy, and pulled the right and the right away. "Youyou, what are you doing? Is your mommy the one you can kiss casually?" This is his wife, and this kid dares to eat his wife's tofu. Can the behavior still be done?
Seeing Rong Jing's eyebrows lowered, You You quickly backed away very knowledgeable about current affairs.

"Daddy and Mommy, you are really a match made in heaven. You are a perfect match. Daddy, you are the most handsome, and Mommy, you are the most beautiful. I love you both the most."

(End of this chapter)

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