You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2027 What is this?

Chapter 2027 What is this?

After Feng Ping left, Qi Qi threw herself into An Nuan's pit sadly.

"Mommy, why can't brother Ping stay? I want him so much, but he still leaves. Qiqi is not happy."

Qi Qi pouted, as if she was about to cry or not.

An Nuan squeezed her mouth, "Don't cry, Qiqi, you won't be pretty if you cry. Children have to laugh a lot to become more beautiful, you know?"

Qi Qi sniffed to suppress the feeling of wanting to cry, "Okay, then I won't cry. But if Brother Ping comes in the future, Mummy will not drive Brother Ping away, and so will Daddy."

Although children don't know the affairs between adults, children's sensitivity is very high. Just by feeling the atmosphere, they can feel that there must be something that caused Feng Ping to leave.

"Of course, as long as Brother Ping is willing to come, we will welcome you."

"What is this?" When An Nuan was about to wash clothes, she took out a small unknown object from Rong Jing's pocket, and looked at it strangely.When she saw clearly what it was, her eyes widened suddenly, "Brother Jing, come here quickly."

Rong Jing was making the bed in the bedroom, An Nuan was afraid of the cold, although it was already March, but she still needed a hot water bottle before getting under the covers.As soon as the hot water bottle was put away, An Nuan's cry was heard.Rong Jing responded and walked over, seeing An Nuan with her hands on her hips upright, as if she was always ready to get angry.

"What's wrong?" Rong Jing was puzzled, walked to her side and asked, "What happened?"

"You still ask me what happened?" An Nuan pointed at herself so annoyed that she would see such a thing in Rong Jing's pocket. She almost suspected that she was blind. Will use this when she doesn't know it, or carry it with her. "What is this?" She took out the physical evidence.

Rong Jing had no impression of this thing, and wanted to take it over for a closer look, but An Nuan took it back. "Don't think about destroying physical evidence. This is strong evidence that you are sorry for me. When we get divorced, I will ask you to leave the house." Hmph, I am such a cruel woman, I can't scare you to death.

How come the more you say it, the more outrageous it is?Rong Jing is very helpless, at least let him know where he is wrong, right? "What the hell is this? Even if the judge wants to convict me, at least I still have the right to know, right?"

Seeing Rong Jing's bewildered expression, An Nuan wondered when Brother Jing had learned acting, and he really knew how to pretend. "Hey, this is it. Do you dare to say that this is not yours? If I didn't find out, who are you going to use this on? Or who, brother Jing, you have already used it when you were outside. This is leftover down?"

Rong Jing was very innocent when she saw clearly what the so-called physical evidence was, and she spread her hands and explained: "This really has nothing to do with me, it was sent to me by someone on the side of the road, and it was probably stuffed directly into me when I wasn't paying attention. in his pocket."

"Are you lying to children?" Someone posted this on the main road, "Who is so bored to send you this? And it's still stuffed in your pocket, I don't believe it."

Rong Jing was helpless, what he said was really true. "Nuannuan, look at me seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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