You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2029 Cooperate with the investigation

Chapter 2029 Cooperate with the investigation
Shan Yanyan's temper has never been good, especially when facing this kind of person, "I said, are you full and have nothing to do? What kind of thing are you doing with our taxpayers' money on weekdays?" You came to inspect our store suddenly, and you said someone reported it. You tell me who the person who reported it is. If you didn’t ask someone to do this, my head could be cut off. You serve the food and drink."

The last sentence was so harsh that An Nuan almost shuddered just imagining that scene.

Others also pointed at these people one after another. Those people were not easy to mess with. Seeing that An Nuan and the others were still unwilling to cooperate, they took out the electric batons.

"Why, are you going to assault the police? The drugs were found in your office. Can you deny it? If you have evidence to prove your innocence, that's fine. Our task now is to ask you to go to the police station to record a statement and cooperate. Our investigation. If you are willing to cooperate, we will definitely treat you politely. If you are unwilling..."

"What if you don't want to?" Shan Yanyan became even more angry when she heard the other party's obviously threatening words, "Are you going to lynch us? I warn you, we are not easy to mess with, if you dare If you touch a single hair of her hair, you might not know how she died. Don't say I didn't remind you now."

An Nuan didn't want Shan Yanyan to quarrel with these people, so she patted her hand to signal her to calm down, "It's okay, I just went to cooperate with the investigation, it's not a big deal."

That's what I said, but who knows if it's really as simple as cooperating with the investigation? You must know that not every policeman serves the people. There are always some mouse droppings that ruin a pot of porridge.

In the end, An Nuan was still taken away by them, and Shan Yanyan immediately told Rong Jing to find a solution.

It was the first time for An Nuan to be arrested at the police station for committing a crime. This experience is really not good.And the attitude of the few people who brought her here was really not polite to her, or it could be said to be rude.

Sitting in the interrogation room, An Nuan calmly looked at the people in front of her.

"If you admit that you hid those drugs privately, we will fight for you to exaggerate and deal with them. At least you don't have to suffer from flesh and blood. But if you don't know the time and refuse to admit it, we can't control what will happen then "The man who interrogated An Nuan was a man who looked fierce, probably to frighten her, he deliberately hired a man who looked very difficult to mess with.

An Nuan wasn't frightened, and in her heart, she believed that she would be fine.

With brother Jing here, he will definitely come back to save her, so she doesn't have to worry at all.

An Nuan remained silent, no matter what the other party said, she didn't speak, and even had a very disdainful expression.

Her attitude seriously irritated the man opposite, he stood up and slapped the table hard.

"An Nuan, I warn you, don't think that you can still be superior after coming here. Believe it or not, I have a hundred ways to make you admit it?"

An Nuan looked up at him coldly, and even showed a mocking smile.

The man was really angry when he saw that An Nuan didn't take him seriously, and he stretched out his hand to slap An Nuan.But before the slap fell, the door was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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