You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 205 The Covenant of Time

Chapter 205 The Covenant of Time
"No, I'm going." People actually have this mentality, the more others don't let you do something, the more you want to do it.The same is true for An Nuan, if Rong Jing had agreed to take her there from the beginning, maybe she would not be so attached to the bar, maybe she would not be so eager to go there.But Rong Jing rejected her, and now, Tang Hui also told her not to go.This made her want to go even more.

In the end, Tang Hui was so pestered by her that she had no choice but to agree to take her there.

Of course, if An Nuan wanted to go, she had to avoid Rong Jing's sight.But it's not difficult, as long as she says she wants to rest early and doesn't want to go out at home, it's fine.

Two days later, it happened that An's mother was not at home. After Rong Jing had dinner, An Nuan said that she was going home. She didn't sleep well last night and wanted to go to bed early.

Mother Rong and Rong Jing naturally do not suspect him.

As soon as she got home, An Nuan couldn't wait to call Tang Hui, "Tang Hui Tang Hui, where are you?"

Tang Hui had already come out of the house, and was waiting for the car when she received her call, "I just came out of the house, how about you?"

"Wait a minute, I'm going out too." An Nuan hurriedly took out her bag and changed her clothes.

Besides Tang Hui, Meng Qiran also went to the bar together.After all, both of them are girls, it would be too dangerous to go to the bar alone.

Meng Qiran and Tang Hui seem to be boyfriend and girlfriend now. Although neither of them admit it, anyone with eyes can tell.

Meng Qiran acted as the flower protector of the two of them this time, and his task was to bring them into the bar safely, and then take them out of the bar safely.

When An Nuan arrived at the appointed place, both Meng Qiran and Tang Hui were there.

Because the weather is relatively cold, the two girls are dressed a lot.

Meng Qiran said to An Nuan: "An Nuan, there is a bar not far in front of me. I have inquired about it. That bar has a better environment, but you have to be careful. No matter how good the environment is, a bar is still a bar. Remember Wait, don't talk to people casually, let alone drink drinks or food from others, you know?"

"Understood, I'm not a child, Tang Hui has already told me." An Nuan seemed a little impatient.

Meng Qiran couldn't help shaking his head when he saw it, thinking, aren't you just a child?It seems that this time his task is really very serious.

Tang Hui said to him: "It's okay, it's okay for us to stay with An Nuan all the time? Go early and come back early."

Meng Qiran thought it made sense, so he took them to the bar together.

The bar that Meng Qiran took them to had a very literary name - the appointment of time.

This bar is not quite the same as the bars that An Nuan saw on TV. It looks quieter, unlike the ones shown on TV, full of loud music and crazy crowds.

Because it was still early, the guests were sitting in twos and threes, either drinking or chatting.

An Nuan and the others chose a corner seat to sit down, and soon a waiter came to entertain them.

"Hello, would you like something to drink?" The waiter had a very sweet smile and was quite revealingly dressed.

An Nuan couldn't help but look more at the waiter's chest, feeling like that place was about to come out.Then she lowered her head to look at herself again, and she instantly froze.It is simply incomparable.

The waiter saw her actions, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

An Nuan felt a little embarrassed when her cheeks turned red from her smile.

(End of this chapter)

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