You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2061 Inquiry

Chapter 2061 Inquiry
For Zuo Zuo, [-] points is too common, and it should be surprising when he doesn't get [-] points.

"Grandma, I can eat whatever I want." He is not picky about food, or in other words, he doesn't have any special favorites or special dislikes, and he likes everything in general.

Mother Rong always felt that Zuo Zuo was too precocious, not as coquettish as You You and Qi Qi, so she loved him more and always wanted to give him the best.

Of course, the other two mothers are also very loving.

Today, it's a good day to eat with Rong's mother, so that An Nuan doesn't have to cook by herself.

An Nuan came here mainly to ask about Yan Minyue, so when she was cooking with Rong's mother in the kitchen, An Nuan asked Rong's mother: "Mom, has Yueyue been here these two days?"

"Yueyue?" Mother Rong put the washed fish on the plate, "It was last month when she came, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just haven't seen Yueyue for a long time, I don't know how she is now. Mom, you should know where Yueyue works, right? I don't know if she is doing well now, I am really incompetent as a cousin , didn't care about her." Of course, An Nuan wouldn't express her doubts, and just made Rong's mother worry.

Mother Rong didn't doubt it, she just thought that An Nuan really thought of Yan Minyue, so she cared.

"You've done a good job. Yueyue said that she works as a cashier in a small foreign trade company. She said that the salary is not bad. No, she bought me a gift last time. In fact, Yueyue is not a bad person. It's just... well, how should I put it, everyone lives his own life, this child's fate is not good." Thinking of Yan Minyue's life experience, Rong's mother's mood sank.

Seeing this, An Nuan hurriedly comforted her: "Mom, don't think too much, maybe Yueyue has had ups and downs before, but didn't she change when she met you? Don't worry, she will only get better and better in the future, you are Where is her nobleman?"

Rong's mother was coaxed by An Nuan's words and laughed, "You can talk. It's fine, I'll just do my work here, you go out and play with the children."

"No, I'm here to cook with you. The children can play by themselves. Do you need me to accompany you? Maybe they will dislike me for being troublesome when I go out to play with them. You don't know, now Children are really amazing." So An Nuan and Mother Rong talked about the children together for the rest of the time.

When it was time to eat, Rong's father came back first. Rong Jing said that he was still on the way and would not be back until a while later.

The table was covered with a table of dishes, let alone the children, even An Nuan couldn't help drooling from the smell of the dishes.So when Rong Jing came back, An Nuan and the children were very enthusiastic, Qi Qi even offered Rong Jing a compromise, and You You took Rong Jing's hand to let him in quickly.

Rong Jing looked puzzled, not understanding how the children suddenly became so good.

But seeing the children gobble up the meal after hearing the word that they can serve, he finally understood that the children are complaining that he came back too late, right?
"Brother Jing, try this, I made it." An Nuan picked up a chopstick of fish and put it in Rong Jing's bowl.

(End of this chapter)

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