You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2080 Miraculous Skin Care Products

Chapter 2080 Miraculous Skin Care Products
And what An Nuan wondered is, don't ordinary stores try to make their stores as conspicuous as possible so that more people can see and discover them?Why does this store give An Nuan the feeling that people deliberately want to hide themselves from being discovered?If this is the case, why do customers have to come to buy it by themselves?I really can't figure it out.

However, many people in this world have special hobbies, and it is not abnormal for some people to have weird ideas.

After arriving at the store, An Nuan found that the store was really small, maybe only about ten square meters in size, but there were quite a lot of things inside, and everything was neatly arranged.

The owner of this store is a young man in his thirties. When he saw people coming, he didn't give them any warm hospitality. He just glanced at them and said calmly, "Just see what you want." There was no request at all. Stand up and greet your guests.

Isn't this kind of service attitude too much?An Nuan shook her head in her heart, unless the product was so good that she had nothing to say, how could there be repeat customers, right?This service attitude alone can drive away customers?

Shan Yanyan was quite interested. She looked carefully at all the skin care products in the store, and then chose the ones she liked, "Nuan Nuan, don't you want to buy?" Seeing that An Nuan's hands were empty, Shan Yanyan Yanyan said to her, "You can try it, what if it's really good?" She thinks that since people are so unenthusiastic, it means that the product must be a hit, otherwise, they would have been flattered already, right?As a result, the trust in this store was involuntarily raised by two levels.

An Nuan shook her head. The products here are all products she has never heard of. For the sake of her face, she thinks it's better for her to be more careful.

After Shan Yanyan paid the money and came out, An Nuan said to her, "I think it would be better if you don't use it? What if it's not good?" She always felt weird, especially that shopkeeper, who didn't want to use it? There is no appearance of a businessman, which is really worrying.

Compared with her worry, Shan Yanyan seemed very casual, as if she trusted the other party.

"It's okay, it's okay, people are so confident in their products, you see, when you go to other skin care product counters, are they very enthusiastic? So the more enthusiastic they are, the more they show their enthusiasm for the product. Don’t you have confidence in your own products? Only those who are not confident will attract customers, and those who are confident will have customers come to their door*. So, really good things don’t need to be sold, understand?”

That's what I said, but... Seeing Shan Yanyan's trusting expression, An Nuan thought about it and shut up. Let's see the effect after she uses it. If it's really good, then it's fine.

When I was in that store, An Nuan deliberately wrote down the brands inside, but after searching around, I couldn't find any relevant explanations, as if the brand came out of nowhere.

However, there are indeed users of skin care products of this brand on the post bar. Most of them are positive comments. Even the negative comments say that the owner has a bad attitude and ignores them.

Seeing this, An Nuan felt relieved.After that, she didn't pay attention to this matter any more, but happily forgot about it.

(End of this chapter)

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