You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2094 go by bike

Chapter 2094 go by bike

"Okay, okay, I will definitely not care about it next time. To be honest, do you think I want to care? If it was my cousin, I would definitely scold her, but she has so many relationships with me, so I don't even You can’t even say serious things, or people will hold grudges. If I don’t care, if she talks nonsense in front of Mom, Mom may think that I don’t care about your relatives.” He sighed , hugging Rong Jing said.

"I'm a daughter-in-law. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is an ancient and modern problem, which makes it very difficult for me."

So Brother Jing, you must support me well, otherwise I will be very difficult to be a human being, and if the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not harmonious, the family will also be inharmonious.

If other women who are daughters-in-law say this, people will believe it, but if An Nuan says it, it won't be convincing at all, okay?If An Nuan and her mother-in-law have a mother-in-law relationship in this world, then there will be no mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who have a good relationship.

"Little villain, if you don't have a good relationship with your mother-in-law, what do you ask other women who are daughters-in-law to do?" Rong Jing pressed on An Nuan's body, and bit her nose lightly.

An Nuan felt a little pain and reached out to push him away.

"Brother Jing, I spent a lot of money on my nose. What if you bite it off? Isn't so much money wasted?"

Rong Jing was amused by her words, not only continued to bite her nose, but even bit her tender cheek.An Nuan smiled and tugged at his face, "Brother Jing, are you a puppy? You have to remember that you are a big pig, not a puppy, so you can't bite me. What if you leave teeth marks? Go away Go away, my face hurts."

Rong Jing let go of her, hugged her and changed her position, letting her lie on her body.

"Am I heavy, Brother Jing?" An Nuan rubbed against Rong Jing's chin, and relaxed on Rong Jing's body, "By the way, Brother Jing, shall we go for a bike ride tomorrow?"

"Riding a bicycle?" Rong Jing stroked An Nuan's back, and tapped her fingers lightly on An Nuan's body, as if she was playing the piano, causing An Nuan to tremble all the time, so she had to grab his hands Don't let him play tricks.

"Why did you suddenly think of this?"

It didn't come to me suddenly, in fact, I thought of it for a long time.An Nuan coughed and said unnaturally: "I saw a little boy riding a bicycle with a little girl the other day, and I thought of our childhood. Brother Jing, do you still remember that you often took me with you when you were young? , At that time, I still liked to sit on the front of the bicycle, but you were too young to take me with you, so I was not happy, so I asked my dad to take me. But when you saw my dad take me, you were not happy again. "Speaking of this, An Nuan couldn't help laughing, it was quite fun to think about it.

When she was a child, Rong Jing was very possessive, and always liked to let him take An Nuan around to play or learn new things. Once this position was taken by others, he would be very depressed.

Speaking of childhood, Rong Jing's smile became warmer.

"So Brother Jing, I want to relive the past, can you take me there again?" An Nuan's eyes flickered and she looked at Rong Jing with eager eyes.

According to how much Rong Jing dotes on An Nuan, this is of course a trivial matter for him, and he will naturally satisfy her small request.

(End of this chapter)

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