You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2111 The Child's Bole

Chapter 2111 The Child's Bole

Although the stolen mobile phone has been recovered, An Nuan still did not choose to exchange it for a new one, because in her opinion, since it has been stolen, it means that the relationship between that mobile phone and her has been exhausted.

Now that the fate is over, forget it, let it stay quietly in a corner.

Such an idea is very incomprehensible, but An Nuan thinks so.

According to Shan Yanyan's words, it's really too much.

What's wrong with Zuo, isn't it?Anyway, she has money, since she has money to squander, why force herself to accept things she no longer likes?She hates doing things she doesn't like the most.

A few months ago, An Nuan had thought about investing in a children's magazine publishing house, and now she finally had a plan.

The object she wants to invest in is an old customer of their store, who is the editor-in-chief of a children's literature magazine, who just resigned last month.

It is said that the work in the original unit was not satisfactory, the boss was too powerful, the control over the subordinates was too strict, and there was no way to unify the ideas, so he simply left.

When he heard what he said, An Nuan was moved, so when he came over again, he talked about it with him.

"Your consciousness means that you want to invest in running a children's literature magazine? But running a magazine is not an easy task. If you don't know anything about it, it will be very difficult to do." The other party said A middle-aged man in his forties, named Liang Yun, looked very elegant and gentle.But what is different from his gentle personality is his attitude towards work.At work, he is very picky and cannot tolerate any flaws.

"Of course I know this." An Nuan nodded with a smile, "That's why I came to you. I know you are very experienced in this field, as I said just now, I'm just investing. If you say it, you may laugh at me , I just want to give my child a better platform for development."

"Oh?" Liang Yun was a little curious about this, "I would like to listen to you."

An Nuan smiled and told Liang Yun about Youyou, and finally said: "Maybe you think I dote on children, but in my opinion, if my children can have a better development platform, why not Isn’t it? The children are still young and need encouragement. The most important thing is that I recognize my children’s talent and level. I want to be the Bole who discovers Maxima.”

After hearing what An Nuan said, Liang Yun laughed.

"I don't think your behavior is doting on children. On the contrary, I think your approach is easy to understand. If it is for this reason, I think, I can accept it. But I'm ugly, even if the investor is You, but I hope you don’t interfere too much in the later operation. After all, you are an outsider, if you can’t fully delegate power to me, then you should find someone else.”

Liang Yun is a very straightforward person. He is very kind and gentle to others, but he is very harsh on things, especially his favorite career.

Since An Nuan found him, she would naturally respect his ideas.

"Of course, I agree with everything you said. I think children are very creative. Not only my son needs such a platform, but other children as well. I believe that you can be an inspiration for more children. Bole."

(End of this chapter)

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