You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2116 Old Classmates

Chapter 2116 Old Classmates

The weather in early August is the hottest day of the year. An Nuan doesn’t want to go out every day, but wants to stay in the air-conditioned room, but if you stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time, you will feel uncomfortable and even suffer from air-conditioning. sick.

An Nuan would buy mung bean soup or sour plum soup for everyone to drink every day, so that everyone could cool down. Such a high temperature is really unbearable.

Shan Yanyan also specially brought Huoxiang Zhengqi water, just in case someone has heatstroke, drink a bottle quickly.

But the taste of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is so ecstasy, An Nuan tried it once when she was a child, and never dared to touch it again.

She would rather suffer from heatstroke than drink this dark potion, it's terrible.

"What the hell is this weather? It's so hot." Shan Yanyan just came back from the outside, wiped off her sweat and complained, "I think the outdoor temperature is at least forty degrees, like a steamer, people who want to take a sauna Just stand outside for a few minutes, and you will definitely sweat a lot. In winter, I hope the sun will be bigger, and it will be cloudy every day. In summer, I hope the sun will not be so dedicated, but it will come out to show off its light every day. This is rebellion Is it?"

Complaints are complaints, but things like the weather are not something we can handle.

"Drink some mung bean soup to relieve the fire." An Nuan gave her a bowl of mung bean soup, "Who made you insist on going out in such a hot day? Isn't this just asking for trouble?"

"Isn't it a promise? I forgot the document at home. What can I do? I have to get it for him. This person is always forgetting things every day. I don't remember that before." Speaking of the trouble list of promises Yanyan wanted to be irritable very much, "Nuannuan, do you think he has entered the aging period early? That's why he forgets things? Tsk tsk, I have to find out what to eat to nourish the brain, otherwise I will always lose weight." How can you bear it?"

"I want to replenish my brain and eat walnuts." Someone next to me advertised, "Walnuts and walnuts look like brains, and I eat them to replenish my brain." In the end, she was punched away by Shan Yanyan.

There are still a lot of guests in summer, one after another.After all, when summer comes, pets need a better living environment, and the first thing to do is to change yourself.

After finally passing the rush hour, An Nuan felt a little backache.

Although she is the boss, she is busier than other employees when there is not enough manpower. There are many things to do wherever she needs to go.

When it was almost time to get off work, someone came over again, An Nuan looked over her head, and saw that the person who came was actually Zhang Zhixin.

"Zhixin?" Seeing her, An Nuan, was very surprised, but also very happy, and hurried forward, "Long time no see, why are you here?"

It's true that An Nuan and Zhang Zhixin haven't seen each other for a long time. The last time they met was more than two years ago, and the most they usually send is WeChat.

"I missed you, so I came to see you." Zhang Zhixin turned her eyes around Ann's shop, "Your place is nice, resplendent and resplendent. If you don't know, you might think you've entered a certain palace."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." An Nuan said to her, "Wait for me, I'll just pack up, let's go out and have a meal together."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Zhang Zhixin used to work far away from An Nuan's side, in a different district. She said that she was transferred here now, so she came to see her because she knew she was here.

(End of this chapter)

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