You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2119 Come out to get together another day

Chapter 2119 Come out to get together another day
"I see." An Nuan pouted, "It's not that I want to care about it? People are begging me, how can I ruthlessly refuse? This is too impersonal, right? Besides, I'm really I never thought it would evolve to this point in the end." She is also very helpless, okay?
After taking the snacks away, An Nuan went home. With these snacks in the evening, she didn't need to worry about her supper.

Today, after chatting with Zhang Zhixin for a while, An Nuan suddenly missed those classmates in high school very much, and wanted to meet them.

When lying on the bed at night, An Nuan called Tang Hui.

Tang Hui was applying a facial mask at the moment, and her husband Meng Qiran answered the phone.

"Where is Huihui, let her out quickly." An Nuan yelled into the phone, "Don't hide my Huihui, you know?"

Meng Qiran laughed when he heard An Nuan's voice, "Master Nuan spoke, I'll let her out right now." Then he put the phone by Tang Hui's ear.

Tang Hui wiped her hands and held the phone, she was very happy when she knew it was An Nuan who called.

"Why did you think of calling me?"

"Why can't I call you?" An Nuan was dissatisfied, "Why, haven't seen you for so long, have you forgotten me? Sure enough, a woman who has a family only has her husband and children in her heart. There are no friends like us in the past. My fragile little heart, why is it hurt like this, I feel like I have been hurt by ten thousand points."

Tang Hui was amused by her words, "How could it be that I forgot you? Did you miss me? Then let's make an appointment to meet. But you are a busy person, is your family willing to release you? Maybe you were summoned back as soon as you came out." Rong Jing's possessiveness towards An Nuan is obvious to all.

Rong Jing was beside An Nuan, of course she heard Tang Hui's words, and looked at An Nuan with raised eyebrows.

An Nuan immediately understood, and hurriedly said to the phone: "My elder brother Jing treats me very well, is he completely obedient to me?" The tone was very proud, that's what it was meant to be, a proper show of affection.

Rong Jing pinched her nose amusedly, and Tang Hui knew that Rong Jing must be by his side when she heard An Nuan's laughter on the phone, "What are you husband and wife doing? Are you doing something inappropriate for children? Tsk tsk, it's wrong for you to do this, you have to restrain yourself, understand? Be careful that your family will..." Everyone knows the following words.

An Nuan immediately turned black. Is this the cold-looking ice and snow beauty Tang Hui she knew?How can you say such things?Sure enough, time is a killing-pig-knife.

After hanging up the phone, An Nuan lay on Rong Jing's body and bit his chin.

There was a faint stubble growing on Rong Jing's chin, and it was slightly prickly when he rubbed it.

"Brother Jing, why don't you keep your beard? You can try to keep your beard, and then you will become a fairy-like grandfather." An Nuan touched Rong Jing's chin and imagined that Rong Jing was full With a white beard, he accidentally choked on his own saliva and coughed violently.

Rong Jing: ...

Patting An Nuan on the back, Rong Jing was very helpless, what's the matter, why did she suddenly cough?
"Brother Jing, you must be handsome when you are old."

(End of this chapter)

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