You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2163 Pollution of ears

Chapter 2163 Pollution of ears
Shan Yanyan carefully analyzed the situation to An Nuan, feeling like she wanted to convince her too.

"You said, we have been married for so many years, and we must be more or less impatient with our husbands, right? If a man can appear now, no, it should be a young boy, and talk to you about romance What a beautiful thing that is." Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it.

Under the cherry blossom tree, the cherry blossoms are flying, the tall and handsome boy hugs the beautiful and delicate girl, the two look at each other, they can't hold anything in their eyes except each other, they can only see each other.

Then kiss romantically together, oh, this is the pure love that everyone yearns for.

But now...

Shan Yanyan was discouraged and said: "Oh, I'm already old, I can't really find a little boy to fall in love with me, can I? Besides, it's not that I have no feelings for Xu Nuo, if I really do this She will definitely kill me." Of course, these thoughts are always just thoughts and cannot be realized.

An Nuan was relieved to hear her say that, she was really worried that Shan Yanyan would do such a shocking thing, after all, judging from her bohemian character, it was really possible.

Shan Yanyan bumped An Nuan's arm, and began to give her bad ideas again, "Say, should we really rent a little boy to find the feeling of love? It's not for real, just to try the feeling .Only you know me, how about it?"

"Are you crazy?" An Nuan touched Shan Yanyan's head, no fever.

"Ahem, there are other people here besides you and me, so be more reserved."

Shan Yanyan turned her head and saw that Wei Ruichen and Xia Jin were all looking at them with incredible eyes, she couldn't help but feel a little hot, and hurriedly explained: "Then what, I was talking nonsense just now, just kidding, you guys must Don't take it seriously."

Wei Ruichen smiled, "Sister Yanyan, your joke is really funny."

Shan Yanyan: ...

"...the angel you love in fairy tales, I am your prince. We will become in fairy tales, happiness and beauty are the ending..." After An Nuan picked up Qi Qi, Qi Qi kept repeating in the car The point of singing this fairy tale is that the words are still scrambling, and I don't know what I'm singing at all.

"Qiqi, why do you suddenly want to sing this song?" I've never seen her like singing so much before.

Qiqi was still humming, and after hearing her mommy's question, she smiled and said, "Because a new classmate came to our class today, and she sings very well. She said she likes to sing fairy tales the most, so sing it to me today." I sang it several times, and even taught me how to sing it. Mommy, do I sing well?"

An Nuan really couldn't bear to hurt her daughter's confidence, but if she was asked to say nice things, it seemed that she really couldn't say it, so she just smiled and said nothing.

Fortunately, Qi Qi didn't have to wait for An Nuan's answer, and continued to sing on her own.

Children's interests always come so unexpectedly. No, since this fairy tale, Qiqi has fallen in love with singing crazily. She has to learn new songs every day, and every day she has An Nuan and Rong Jing as her audience. Like the judges, pointing out where she sings well, where she sings badly and where she needs to improve is really tiring.

(End of this chapter)

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