You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2166 Passionate Man

Chapter 2166 Passionate Man

"Ma'am, do you need help?" The other party is a handsome man, with a very elegant demeanor, wearing a pair of glasses, and speaking softly, it is easy to make people like him.

An Nuan looked behind him and found that his car was a Maserati.

"My car's tire is broken." An Nuan pointed at her car and said, "But it's okay, I can ask the towing company to tow me to the repair shop, thank you for your kindness."

The man glanced at An Nuan's car, walked over to check it and said, "It should have been punctured by a nail on the road. The tow truck companies are very ink-stained now, how about this, let me replace the spare tire for you?"

"Ah?" An Nuan glanced at the clothes on his body. The suit was ironed without a trace of wrinkle, the hairstyle was docile, and the leather shoes were shiny. Such an outfit doesn't look like someone who can repair cars, right?

"Well, don't bother you, it's better to go to the repair shop, or it will be bad if your clothes are dirty."

"It's okay." The man didn't care at all, took off his suit jacket and handed it to An Nuan, and then took out the tools.

Although An Nuan doesn't know how to repair cars, the car repair tools are quite complete, at least there are wrenches, screws and jacks.

Seeing that the man seemed to be very persistent in wanting to help her fix the car, although An Nuan was very sorry, she still let him fix it.It's just that she was surprised that this man seemed a little too enthusiastic, right?

The man's movements were very neat, as if he had repaired it countless times. Under An Nuan's jaw-dropping gaze, he replaced the spare tire in less than half an hour.

"Okay, okay." The man stood up from the ground, clapped his hands and said to An Nuan with a smile, "The car is ready."

An Nuan was stunned for a long time before she realized it, and quickly walked over to thank you and said, "Thank you so much, I'm sorry, I made your clothes dirty."

The man waved his hand and smiled nonchalantly: "It's okay, it's not in the way."

"Then what, you have helped me so much, I will always thank you. How about this, how about I treat you to dinner at noon?" An Nuan issued an invitation.After all, people don't dislike being messy and messy for helping her like this. Can't we just say thank you?Although she still can't understand why a man who looks like an elite on the other side insists on helping her repair the car by himself, it doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it.

As if seeing An Nuan's doubts, the man smiled and said, "Actually, my childhood dream was to be a car repairman. For this dream, I have been an apprentice in a 4S car repair shop for several years after graduating from university. But what?" My parents don't agree with me to engage in this industry. I have no choice but to follow their wishes and give up this industry. I haven't repaired a car for a long time. I saw your car broke down today. I suddenly felt a little itchy and wanted to try it. .”

This kind of explanation is really weird, but An Nuan can't see anything wrong, so she can only reluctantly accept it.

At noon, An Nuan still invited this strange man to dinner. After getting in touch with him, An Nuan found out that this man is actually quite humorous, has a witty language, is a gentleman, and is always gentle.

Fortunately, she is a married woman, otherwise she might be attracted to him.

(End of this chapter)

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