You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2216 Take Care of Your Daughter

Chapter 2216 Take Care of Your Daughter

After separating from Shan Yanyan, An Nuan went home directly.

An Nuan always felt very deserted when Rong Jing was not at home.

The children are still reading their homework, and they are very serious one by one.

Seeing this, An Nuan expressed her great relief.

It happened that Qi Qi had already finished her homework, and ran over when she saw An Nuan coming back.

"Mummy, why are you coming back so late?" Qi Qi hugged An Nuan's waist and looked up at her, "Mummy, just now Daddy called and said your cell phone was turned off."

"It's turned off?" An Nuan was puzzled, took out her mobile phone and looked at it, and found that it was out of battery.

"What did daddy say?" An Nuan asked.

Qiqi shook her head and relayed what her father said, "Daddy said, ask your mommy to call me when she comes back, don't think she can come home later because I'm not home now, it's really unruly."

An Nuan: ...

When Qiqi said this, An Nuan found it funny no matter how she heard it, and scratched her nose with a smile, "Little guy, be careful, I'm going to sue your father, you actually imitated him, when the time comes he I will come back and beat you when I get angry."

"Daddy won't." Qiqi sniffled, let go of An Nuan's waist and jumped onto the sofa, "Daddy loves me so much, there's no way he'd hit me. Mommy, call Daddy quickly, Otherwise, Daddy will be in a hurry."

"Yes, yes, Mommy knows."

An Nuan walked over and used the landline to call Rong Jing, Rong Jing picked up the phone after it rang.

"Brother Jing, my mobile phone is out of battery, so I didn't know you were calling me. What's the matter, is there something wrong?" An Nuan saw the seven thieves coming over and smiled and pushed her away. Learned to listen to her daddy mommy's phone call.

After being pushed away by An Nuan, Qi Qi was very dissatisfied, and still leaned against An Nuan, with an attitude of "I just want to eavesdrop".Finally, An Nuan let her listen.

Rong Jing said to An Nuan: "There is a problem with the work here, and I may not be able to come back until two days late."

"Huh?" An Nuan immediately felt bad after hearing this.

It was already unacceptable for her to go for two or three days, but it turned out to be delayed for a few more days. Do you want to do this? "Brother Jing, didn't you agree to go for two or three days at the beginning? Now it's postponed again, I'm not happy."

Even across the phone, Rong Jing could imagine An Nuan pouted in depression, and couldn't help laughing.

"Nuan Nuan, I'll bring you a gift when I get back, okay?" Rong Jing coaxed An Nuan like a child.

At this time, Qi Qi couldn't stand listening anymore, and said loudly into the phone: "Daddy, Qi Qi allows you to come back later, don't indulge Mommy like this, Mommy is not a child."

An Nuan became angry when she heard Qi Qi's words, this brat, are you encouraging her father to treat her badly?

"Brother Jing, please take care of your daughter. Look at what she said just now. Tell me, should I give her a hard ass?" An Nuan said the word "ass" very loudly on purpose. After Qiqi showed panic, she finally regained her inner balance.

Hmph, she is a mother, how could she let her daughter ride on her head?
Qi Qi looked at her Mummy pitifully, and begged for mercy: "I'm sorry, Mummy, I just want to make you more interesting, I don't really want Daddy to treat you badly, really."

(End of this chapter)

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