You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2236 Is it the paparazzi?

Chapter 2236 Is it the paparazzi?

When Fu Mingqi left, his eyes were still dim with tears, he was reluctant to part with Fu Mingqi, and kept holding on to the hem of his clothes to prevent him from leaving, and finally let go when the radio rang and Fu Mingqi had to leave let him go.

When going back, Youyou was depressed again, similar to the last time.An Nuan patted Youyou's head, thinking how deeply this child's affection for Fu Mingqi is.

When An Nuan looked up, she saw a familiar car on the right.She frowned, why did she feel like she had seen this car many times?Narrowing her eyes slightly, An Nuan was a little puzzled, wondering if the other party might be a bad person?Of course, at this moment she is not sure that the other party is following them, maybe it is just a coincidence.

But when they got home and the car was still following them, An Nuan was basically sure that the other party was indeed following them on purpose.

"Mummy, did that car follow us on purpose?" You You finally recovered from the sadness of Fu Mingqi's departure, and was quite puzzled when he turned around and saw the car behind him.

Seeing that even Youyou had noticed, An Nuan felt even more uneasy.

Thinking that the car was parked anyway, An Nuan walked over.

There are people coming and going here, An Nuan is not worried about what the other party will do, and there is a security guard not far away.She walked over to look at the car window, and knocked on the door boldly.

The people inside didn't know what they were doing, they were just lowering their heads, doing their own things frantically.

When An Nuan used even more strength, the people inside finally heard it, and raised their heads to look out.Seeing that the person standing outside was An Nuan's person, An Nuan saw that he squatted down suddenly, and even hugged his head with his hands, looking quite frightened.

An Nuan: ...

She touched her face. She never knew that she had the ability to scare people. Her appearance should not be classified as horror, right?How can she be regarded as a sweet and pleasant beauty.

An Nuan drew a black line, folded her arms around her chest and just looked at the people inside.The people inside raised their heads cautiously, and when they saw An Nuan was still there, their faces turned pale with fright, and they were still trembling.

An Nuan laughed when she saw it, this man looked really cute, so stupid and cute.

Finally, after An Nuan waited for about 2 minutes, the people inside finally came out.

"Then what, hello, what can I do?" A man came out, about 1.7 years old, not very tall, only [-] meters, thin and small, with a little eyes wretched.

"I should be the one asking you this question, right?" An Nuan looked at the opposite person with a half-smile. Seeing him like this, he didn't look like someone who was going to complete any big task at all.

The other party coughed, with an unnatural expression on his face, looking a little embarrassed and flustered.

"Then what, I..." He hesitated, not knowing what to say.

"What are you?" An Nuan saw that there was still a camera hanging on him.

Sneaky words and deeds, evasive eyes, and cameras... such standard equipment, it looks like a paparazzi no matter how you look at it.

"Are you a reporter?" An Nuan asked in surprise.

As far as the paparazzi is concerned, it really looks like this.

"No no, I'm not a paparazzi, I swear I'm absolutely not."

(End of this chapter)

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