You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2262 Gunshots

Chapter 2262 Gunshots
Primary school students are at a very carefree age, even if the pressure of study is slightly higher, it is impossible to choose to commit suicide because of this.

It is impossible to commit suicide if something unbearable has not happened.

An Nuan herself is a mother, so if she put herself in her shoes, if it was her own daughter... then she would definitely not be able to bear it.

"According to the school, my daughter was tempted to commit suicide because she didn't do well in the exam, but my daughter's grades have always been good, and she is a very optimistic and cheerful child, and I have never asked her too much in terms of grades. Therefore, I know that it is absolutely impossible for her to commit suicide because of this. Later, I finally found the truth in my daughter's diary." When he said this, Mr. Lin's eyes were all red, and he looked at the principal's eyes and wanted to kill him He said, "My daughter said in her diary that she was molested and even raped by his class teacher, but when she told the principal, the principal told her not to tell the story, and even threatened her that if she dared to If this matter is revealed, the matter will be exposed and she will not be able to be a human being, and she even said that she took the initiative to seduce their head teacher."

As soon as these words came out, all the people present were in an uproar.What kind of teacher and principal is this? When something like this happens to students, instead of coming forward to solve it, they help cover it up, or even help the evildoers.

"Not only that, but the principal also said that he has a lot of power. If my daughter dares to leak a word, he will make me lose my job and find someone to hurt my family. My daughter has always been well-behaved and sensible, and she matured very early. Listen After hearing what the principal said, I didn’t dare to tell me about it. I didn’t discover the secret until she died, I...I’m really not a good father..." After speaking, Mr. Lin burst into tears.

Originally, these people all blamed the man in front of them, thinking that he was crazy and hurt the children.

But now, more people felt sympathy for this father.

"You're talking nonsense. You just said these things on purpose to avoid guilt." Seeing that many people started pointing at him, the principal blushed and retorted, "It's just your slander, you What evidence is there?"

"Yes, I have no proof." The man laughed miserably.

"Because there is no evidence, I can't bring you to justice. But it doesn't matter, since the law can't punish you, then let me punish you instead of the law. Your good days are over. You must be wondering why today That teacher didn't come to work and didn't ask for leave, did he?"

As soon as these words came out, the principal's expression suddenly changed, and he said in disbelief: "Could it be that you..."

"That's right." The man nodded, "I killed him last night, today it's your turn."

Seeing that the man seemed about to pull the trigger, the police hurried over to stop him, "Stop, put down the gun in your hand, or we will shoot."

The man continued to talk to himself as if he didn't hear what they said. "

My wife went crazy because of my daughter's suicide. A happy and happy family has been torn apart because of you beasts. I will make you pay the price. "After speaking, he shot directly.

Gunshots rang out at the same time, and the headmaster opened his mouth in surprise, and then fell down straight.

(End of this chapter)

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