You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2267 Playing Games Together

Chapter 2267 Playing Games Together
"Why do you need someone who runs a supermarket?" Qi Qi asked doubtfully while drinking rock candy pears.

"Because Qiqi is so edible." An Nuan ruthlessly exposed Qiqi's foodie nature, "Qiqi is so edible, if you don't find a supermarket, Mommy will worry that you won't have enough food in the future. Alas, if Qiqi If you don't have enough to eat after seven, Mommy will feel distressed."

Why does Qi Qi feel that An Nuan's words are so strange?Although she is indeed very edible, she is not particularly edible, right?

She is a little lady, and as a little lady, she definitely can't eat too much.

Different from Qi Qi drinking rock sugar pears with a look of enjoyment, Zuo Zuo thinks the rock sugar pears are a little too sweet, and after two sips, he doesn't really want to drink it, but An Nuan is watching him and insists that he finish it. She had no choice but to drink as much as she could.

After drinking, An Nuan said to Zuo Zuo: "Zuo Zuo, remember to cover up with more quilts when you sleep in the future, you know?"

Zuo Zuo's sleeping posture is generally good, but Zuo Zuo doesn't always like to cover up with the quilt too much. Every time he covers him with a little quilt, he says it's not cold.

"Okay Mommy, I understand." Zuo Zuo obediently agreed.

Zuo Zuo seldom gets sick, even if he does get sick, it's just a small cold, and he will get better soon. Zuo Zuo's health is still good because he practiced martial arts since he was a child.

There is no need to go to school, and the children play at home, but there is nothing fun at home. You can't stay, so you just want to go out to play tomorrow.

But something like that happened just a few days ago, of course An Nuan couldn't agree, so she let the children stay at home.

"But it's really boring at home." Youyou is very unhappy, he is like a bird, he likes to fly outside, he doesn't like being locked up at home, every time he is allowed to stay at home, he will feel very helpless.

"Mommy, my brother and I both know martial arts. If we go out, we can protect you and your sister, so you don't have to worry at all."

An Nuan would not be instigated by him, if he said no to agree, he would not agree.

"No." An Nuan said to them very seriously, "you stay at home obediently these two days, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. If you go out without my permission, I will definitely be angry. Those who go out I won't let you come back, do you hear me clearly?"

Now is an extraordinary period, An Nuan will definitely not allow them to go out.

Of course, frightened birds are bad, but in order to make her feel at ease, she still doesn't allow them to go out.

When they heard that they could only stay at home, Qiqi and Youyou became discouraged.

Seeing the listless appearance of the children, An Nuan couldn't bear it, thinking that she might as well find something to do for them, which should be able to hold their hearts.

"Why don't we play games?" An Nuan suggested.

"What game?" The children lacked interest, only Zuo Zuo remained expressionless.

For him, it was the same whether he was at home or outside, it made no difference.

An Nuan thought for a while, then turned her gaze to Zuo Zuo.

"How about, let's practice martial arts with Zuo Zuo? Mommy will also join in, and then we will see who can practice best, shall we?"

This is possible, Zuo Zuo couldn't help laughing when he saw that they were all focusing on him.

So, An Nuan started to practice martial arts with Zuo Zuo together with Qi Qi and You You, with a very positive attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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