You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2299 Rewards

Chapter 2299 Rewards
Who made him go too far last night, didn't he know how to restrain himself?It was all his fault that she became what she is now.Therefore, there is no embarrassment at all in calling Rong Jing to come to An Nuan.

"Brother Jing, my back is sore." An Nuan lay on the bed and asked Rong Jing to beat her back.Of course Rong Jing worked hard, pinched her legs, rubbed her shoulders and beat her back very meticulously, just like the servants in ancient times.

Being served so considerately by Rong Jing, An Nuan quickly fell asleep again.So, when the three children came back from school and found out that their mother was still sleeping, they were all shocked.How sleepy is this, actually sleeping from morning till night?No, it should have been sleeping from last night to this night. This is really surprising, isn't it?

When Qi Qi ran to An Nuan's room, she saw An Nuan still lying down shaking her head and walked over, "Oh my god, Mommy, why are you still in bed? The sun is already setting." After speaking, she jumped onto the bed, trying to Pull her mommy up.

An Nuan was still dazed, unable to open her eyes.She barely opened her eyes when Qi Qi pulled her arm. "Qiqi, are you back?" After speaking, he yawned again.

Seeing her Mummy in such a state, Qi Qi was heartbroken, "Mummy, it's wrong for you to do this, how could you be so depraved? Do you know that the weather outside is so good today, you should go out in this weather Playing and going to work, but what about you, you actually wasted today on the bed, it is really inappropriate, you know?"

No matter what Qi Qi said or how she pulled her arm, An Nuan just lay down perfectly still, as if I was going to sleep to death.

Seeing that she couldn't pull An Nuan up from the bed no matter what, Qi Qi finally got angry, stood up from the bed and said loudly to An Nuan: "Mum, you are so depraved, and it's not good for you to sleep all the time. Get up and let's save the planet."

An Nuan was finally amused by Qiqi, she grabbed Qiqi and hugged her in her arms, "Little villain, why are you disturbing Mommy's sleep?"

Qi Qi smiled as she was hugged by An Nuan, "Because Daddy said, if I can successfully wake up Mommy from the bed, I will be allowed to eat an ice cream at night."

It turned out that Rong Jing lured her into doing this, An Nuan hugged Qi Qi and rubbed her hair vigorously, finally she was willing.After lying on the bed for a whole day, she felt her body went limp, and after she got up, she moved on the spot for a while before she finally regained some consciousness.

Today Rong Jing served her all day, An Nuan felt that the soreness in her body was almost healed, but there was still a little soreness, but it was not serious.

After An Nuan and Qi Qi went downstairs, they smelled a very fragrant smell, so An Nuan's stomach let out a very disappointing growl.

Qiqi couldn't help laughing when she heard An Nuan's stomach growling, covering her mouth with her eyebrows crooked.An Nuan ruffled Qiqi's hair again, becoming angry from embarrassment.

"It's okay Mommy, I won't laugh at you." Qi Qi was still happy, and took An Nuan's hand to the kitchen, wanting to sneak something before dinner.

Seeing An Nuan getting up, Rong Jing finally felt relieved, thinking that she should restrain herself a little next time, otherwise it would be bad for An Nuan's health.

"Daddy, don't forget the reward."

(End of this chapter)

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