You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 236 You live by the sea

Chapter 236 You live by the sea
An Nuan silently decided in her heart that she would never talk to Xu Nuo in the future, and when she saw him, she would ignore him as if she saw the air. She would never have any interaction with such a person.

After making the decision, An Nuan breathed a sigh of relief, and no longer cared who was sitting behind her, and still did her own thing.

I slept too late last night. During the first and second classes, An Nuan was still able to insist on listening to the class, but when it came to the third class, An Nuan couldn't hold it anymore. She couldn't help but want to kiss each other. are inseparable.

It just so happened that this class was also a Chinese class, which was very hypnotic and made An Nuan unable to resist Zhou Gong's temptation.

So, when the class was halfway through, An Nuan had already blocked the book in front of her, lowered her head and started to catch up on sleep.

She is at the third table. This position is actually very obvious. It is easy for the teacher to see your every move.Therefore, An Nuan's drowsy appearance has long been seen clearly by the Chinese teacher.

After all, high school is not a university. During college classes, even if someone openly plays with their mobile phone in the classroom and falls asleep, the teacher usually doesn't care much. I will take my class while you sleep.But the high school teacher definitely couldn't let this kind of phenomenon happen, so just when An Nuan was about to successfully meet Zhou Gong, she was suddenly woken up by someone.

The person who woke her up was of course Zhang Zhixin, her deskmate. An Nuan looked at her in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Zhixin blinked at her, "The teacher is asking you a question." Her face was anxious and her voice was very low.

Upon hearing this, An Nuan hurriedly looked in the direction of the Chinese teacher, and sure enough, she saw her looking at her with a half-smile.

An Nuan's heart tightened, she stood up quickly, and grinned at her, "Then what, teacher, what did you ask me just now?" She felt guilty and scratched her head with an unnatural expression.

At this moment, there was a laughing sound from behind her. Although the sound was not loud, An Nuan who was right in front of him still heard it.If it was normal, she would definitely turn her head and stare at him, but now is an extraordinary period, she dare not do other things, she just hopes that the Chinese teacher can have a lot of adults, and don't care about her as a student.

"An Nuan, please translate these sentences for me." The Chinese teacher pointed to a piece of classical Chinese on the blackboard and said.

An Nuan rubbed her eyes, stared at the classical Chinese text above for a few times, and then began to stutter the translation.

An Nuan is not very clear about whether the translation is correct or not, but as far as she knows, in fact, as long as you understand the meaning of some words in classical Chinese, it will be the same regardless of which one you get.

The teacher looked at her for a while, but finally told her to sit down without saying anything.

An Nuan breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest.

The whole morning class finally passed without any danger. After the encounter with the Chinese teacher, An Nuan tried her best not to let herself fall asleep again, so when the bell rang after school at noon, she went to sleep. Lie down on the table, looking half dead.

"Hey, did you become a thief last night? Why are you so sleepy?" Xu Nuo's voice came from behind with a smile, and he poked An Nuan's back with his fingers very annoyingly, "Say it , why did you go last night?"

"You want to take care of it?" An Nuan turned back angrily, and gave him a hard look, "What's wrong with your family living by the sea, why are you so lenient?"

"Yeah? How do you know that my family lives by the sea? So you know me so well, tell me, have you been secretly in love with me for a long time?" Xu Nuo looked narcissistic.

An Nuan was so angry that he was half dead, but she didn't know what to say.While holding her breath, Rong Jing came over and rubbed her hair, "Get up, let's eat."

(End of this chapter)

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