You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2408 Never Forget

Chapter 2408 Never Forget
After Qi Qi's holiday, Rong Jing still took time to travel with his wife and children.

This summer vacation, An Nuan and Rong Jing took the children to travel to several countries. The children were very excited no matter where they went, and they made many friends along the way.

Children's energy is always so good that it is unimaginable. An Nuan is exhausted every day, but the children are very excited at night, and they will not sleep honestly if they are not fierce.

After returning from the trip, An Nuan felt that half of her life was gone.

After playing outside for about a month, An Nuan felt that she had finished the road she needed to walk this year, and she just wanted to lie in bed every day, and it would be best not to get up forever.

No, never get up, isn't it dead?Forget it, she'd better get up.

"Brother Jing, I now know how hard it was for you to take me out when you were young. These children are really reincarnated from monkeys, aren't they? They can be so troublesome. Fortunately, I am not so arrogant to take them out alone, otherwise I I’m going to lose my life.” After finishing speaking, he continued lying on the bed and pretended to be dead.

Rong Jing reached out to rub An Nuan's waist, bit her ear and asked, "Nuan Nuan, your birthday is coming, what gift do you want this year?"

"Gift?" An Nuan turned around, grabbed Rong Jing's hand and played with it, "What gift does Brother Jing want to give me? I have everything, and if I tell you, I'll let you give it. Are there no surprises?"

"Then you always have to give me a direction, what if you don't like what I send you?"

"Brother Jing, I like whatever you give me."

"Really?" Rong Jing questioned.

An Nuan was dissatisfied, "Of course it's true, why, Brother Jing, don't you believe me?"

"That's what you said."

Seeing Rong Jing's expression, An Nuan had a bad premonition, and suddenly remembered the year when Rong Jing gave her himself as a birthday present, and immediately felt bad.

"Then what, brother Jing, actually, I don't have any demands. I..." Rong Jing covered his mouth before he finished speaking.

She widened her eyes in confusion, and saw a wicked smile on the corner of Rong Jing's mouth.

"Nuan Nuan, you have already said what you said just now, so it is impossible to take it back, you know? Nuan Nuan, you have to be responsible for what you have said." Rong Jing started Thinking about the gift for An Nuan.

An Nuan began to regret it, if she had known earlier, she might as well have said something casually.but……

"Brother Jing, I want a birthday present that I will never forget, not only for me, but also for you. How about it?" An Nuan deliberately made things difficult for Rong Jing.

"Unforgettable forever..." Rong Jing recited these four words several times, and for some reason, she suddenly smiled very softly.

"Nuannuan, I will definitely satisfy your request."

"Really?" An Nuan certainly believed in Rong Jing, as long as it was her request, he would never fail to complete it.

So An Nuan is still looking forward to this birthday gift.

An Nuan pays special attention to Rong Jing's birthday every year. Although it has been so many years, every time she thinks of Rong Jing's birthday gift, she will look forward to it very much.

However, when her birthday came, it meant that Rong Jing's birthday was also coming.

(End of this chapter)

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