You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2416 Strong Dissatisfaction

Chapter 2416 Strong Dissatisfaction
"Brother Jing, I..." Just as An Nuan was about to speak, there was a sudden sound from the sky. An Nuan looked back and saw bunches of gorgeous fireworks blooming in the sky.She swallowed everything she wanted to say, because the blooming fireworks were so beautiful that she forgot all the words she wanted to say.

The light of the fireworks was reflected in An Nuan's eyes, making her eyes look particularly bright, with dots of light dotted in them, which made Rong Jing's heart skip a beat.

"Brother Jing, did you arrange this?" After the fireworks were all set off, An Nuan looked at Rong Jing, her eyes were full of love for Rong Jing.

Seeing An Nuan's expression of loving him wholeheartedly, Rong Jing's heart moved slightly.

He took a step forward, looked down at An Nuan, raised her chin to her lips and kissed her.

An Nuan closed her eyes obediently, and kissed Rong Jing intimately under the moonlight and surrounded by the fragrance of roses.

After the kiss was over, An Nuan leaned in Rong Jing's arms, hugged his waist tightly with both hands, pressed her face to his left heart, feeling Rong Jing's strong heartbeat again and again.

"Brother Jing." An Nuan called out, raised her head to look at Rong Jing, "I really love you, the whole world, I love you the most. No matter when I was a child, or now, or in the future, no one can compare I don't care about your place in my heart. Brother Jing, here I am," she held Rong Jing's hand and pressed it against her chest, "The one who pretends to be the most will always be you."

The love words spoken between lovers are always the most touching. Now Rong Jing can't wait to embed An Nuan in her arms. This feeling is so strong that he even forgot to reduce his strength when holding An Nuan. .

An Nuan was hugged tightly by Rong Jing and felt a little pain in her body, but she didn't say anything, she still nestled obediently in Rong Jing's arms.

The two returned home very late, and the three children were still in the living room. After seeing the pair of unscrupulous parents finally came back, they were very angry, and they all snorted shamelessly.An Nuan thought she was in the wrong, walked over to the children and said with a smile, "Baby, why don't you go to bed?"

Qiqi turned her head and glanced at An Nuan, then snorted and turned her head. She folded her arms around her chest, her mouth was pursed high, and she looked very unhappy.

An Nuan also felt that she and Rong Jing were going too far. For the sake of their two-person world, they left the children at home and didn't pick them up from school. It's not right to come back so late.Therefore, facing Qiqi who lost her temper, An Nuan was very gentle and patient.

"Qiqi, Mommy apologizes to you, okay? Mommy knows it's wrong. Mommy and Daddy shouldn't come back so late. We won't do it next time, okay?"

Qi Qi snorted loudly again, she didn't believe An Nuan's words at all.

"Mum, you're a big liar. You said that before, but you still haven't done it now? So, Qi Qi won't believe you anymore." After finishing speaking, she turned her head and ignored An Nuan.

An Nuan was very helpless, and wanted to go to her sons to say good things, but the two sons were also lukewarm to her.Alas, as expected, it is not easy to favor a husband and despise a son. How about it, are you disgusted by the children now?

"Brother Jing, come on."

(End of this chapter)

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