Chapter 2419
Rong Jing drank the porridge very freely, but An Nuan ate the steamed stuffed buns but it was very painful, because when she took the second bite, she tasted very choking and very spicy, and then her whole body began to feel bad.

She didn't realize what it smelled like at first, but when she thought about it, she finally realized that it was the smell of mustard.

Oh my god, An Nuan is really wanting to die right now, she is about to come out with tears and snot, so she rushed to the bathroom, poured herself a glass of water, and started to rinse her mouth vigorously, until the smell in her mouth finally almost dissipated When going there, An Nuan felt that she was about to lose half her life.

God, who the hell did this?

An Nuan turned her head and stared at the three culprits aggressively, and then saw the innocent and harmless expressions of these three children, they looked really innocent.

An Nuan pointed at them and yelled, "Tell me, who of you did this?" Really, it's really disgusting to dare to play a prank on her.

The three children looked at me and I looked at you, and shook their heads in unison.

"You didn't do it. Could it be that this mustard would run into the steamed bun by itself?" An Nuan rolled up her sleeves and walked in front of Youyou, because she felt that the three children belonged to Youyou, who were more spooky. Maybe it was he who came up with this idea.

"Youyou, did you come up with it?" An Nuan squinted her eyes, and was furious when she looked at Youyou. Of course, most of them were pretending.

Youyou's expression was very surprised, and he pretended to be like, "Mum, what are you talking about, why can't I understand anything?"

Just pretend and you can!An Nuan saw Qiqi winking at her right and left, and the knife flew over immediately.

Qi Qi was taken aback by An Nuan's eyes, and quickly pretended to be good and stopped moving.

An Nuan was so angry, these children were so over the top, dare to torment their mommy?This is eating the bear's heart and leopard's gall, isn't it?

"I warn you, if you obediently tell who came up with the idea now, then Mommy may forgive you, just a small punishment and a big reprimand. However, if you still want to cover up the culprit, Mommy will We will punish you together, and the punishment will be very strict." After speaking, he put his eyes on Rong Jing.

Rong Jing had already finished a bowl of porridge and was wiping her mouth. She probably sensed An Nuan's gaze and raised her head to match her gaze.

From Rong Jing's eyes, An Nuan could see that he seemed to know what happened in the morning, otherwise, how could he be so calm?

Thinking that Rong Jing might know but didn't tell her, An Nuan felt so angry, how could brother Jing go so far, right?
It was too much to watch her being bullied by the children.

"Brother Jing, do you know?" An Nuan walked up to Rong Jing and asked.

Rong Jing smiled and shook her head, "What do I know?"

An Nuan always felt that Rong Jing's expression looked like she deserved a beating, "Brother Jing, tell me quickly, tell me quickly, did you already know? You know why you didn't tell me? You wanted it on purpose. You see me making a fool of myself, don't you?"

"How could it be?" Rong Jing smiled softly, "Of course I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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