You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2424 Open Your Eyes and Talk About Blindness

Chapter 2424

Children of Qi Qi and Zuo Zuoyou's age like to play games very much, even Zuo Zuo can play games all day long.

But if An Nuan and Rong Jing were around, they could only play for an hour at most, and nothing more would be enough. After all, playing games is very harmful to the eyes.

But if Rong Jing and An Nuan were not around, and the children were left alone, they would naturally be able to play as long as they wanted, not to mention how free they were.

So, as soon as Rong Jing said this, Qi Qi's face became bitter, "Daddy, don't, I..." After turning her mind around, she said quickly, "Daddy, actually, I am I especially support you and Mommy going out in the two-person world. You think, we are your children, aren’t we? For us, you have given up a lot of leisure and loving time, and we are really very guilty. So daddy, mom Mi, go out and play as much as you want in the future, and we will never lose our temper with you because of this again." After speaking, he quickly backed away, indicating that he had finished what he wanted to say.

Because she was very afraid that if she continued, the welfare that originally belonged to them would be gone.

Finally, it was the left's turn.

Zuo Zuo came up in a serious manner, An Nuan was quite looking forward to the opinion of her eldest son, and thought that the opinion of the eldest son would not be rejected by Rong Jing, right?

After all, from the perspective of IQ, only the eldest son can compete with Rong Jing.

"Daddy, Mommy, what I want to tell you is..." Zuo Zuo paused and continued, "You have worked so hard for me and my brothers and sisters, don't always treat us so well in the future, otherwise we will I will be sorry. You should enjoy your own life more, instead of putting all your energy on us. We have grown up and can take care of ourselves, so you don’t have to worry about us all the time .”

An Nuan: ...

Rong Jing: ...

right right: ...

Qiqi: ...

In the end, An Nuan really couldn't hold back, and accidentally laughed out loud.

Although it seemed inappropriate to laugh at this time, An Nuan just wanted to laugh.

Seeing Zuo Zuo serious and funny words, An Nuan almost burst into tears.

Is this really her eldest son?Could it be possessed by someone?Otherwise, why would he say such a thing?

Haha, it was so funny.

Rong Jing also couldn't help laughing, he really didn't expect Zuo Zuo to say that.

As for Youyou and Qiqi, they were dumbfounded and speechless.

Isn't it true that the elder brother, who is the backbone of them, turned his back on the organization so quickly?is this real?Could it be that there is something wrong with their ears and they misheard?

You know, Zuo Zuo has always been the image of a big brother and a good brother in their minds, and no matter what they do, they are their role models, and they always look serious and serious, even when they are joking. of.

So when Zuo Zuo came suddenly, no matter whether it was Hao Qiqi or You You, it was difficult to accept it.

Youyou has opened his mouth wide and is speechless, where is his brother?Where did his brother go?
Could it be that aliens invaded his brother's body, return his brother to him quickly, he kept shouting in his heart, but it was useless.

(End of this chapter)

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