You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2448 Where are you going?

Chapter 2448 Where are you going?

An Nuan is helpless, this person is really used to doing things in his own way, and he doesn't know how to be reserved at all.

"Brother Jing, did you come here just because you missed me? Tell me, is there some bad intention?" An Nuan pulled Rong Jing to her office and pushed him against the door, approaching him and asked.

The two got so close, Rong Jing felt that if he didn't do something, he would be too sorry for An Nuan's initiative, so he pinched the back of her head and kissed her.

An Nuan struggled a bit at first when he was kissed by him, but later felt that the struggle was unnecessary, anyway, the feeling of kissing was still very comfortable, so she cooperated with him and catered to her.

An Nuan's catering made Rong Jing even more excited, and her hands began to be dishonest, and she put her hands into An Nuan's clothes.

The weather is already a bit cold, An Nuan shivered when his cool hand touched her warm skin.

She woke up for a while, quickly grabbed Rong Jing's hand, panting: "Brother Jing, pay attention to the influence."

"It's just the two of us here, what influence should I pay attention to?" Rong Jing pressed her forehead against her, the affection and smile in his eyes made An Nuan directly ignore his dishonest hand.

The two were intimate for a while, Rong Jing held An Nuan's hand and said to her: "You shouldn't be busy here, right? Come with me somewhere."

An Nuan nodded, "I'm not busy." But then she became vigilant, "Where are you going?"

"You will know when you go. Why, is Nuan Nuan afraid that I will sell you?" Rong Jing smiled in his eyes, and went out directly holding An Nuan's hand.

An Nuan hadn't even agreed to him to go out yet, she was very dissatisfied seeing that Rong Jing made the decision for her so presumptuously.Of course, dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, she still gave Rong Jing face and did not criticize him in front of outsiders.

After getting into his car, An Nuan accuses Rong Jing angrily: "Brother Jing, I didn't even promise to come out with you, but you actually pulled me out. Let me tell you, I'm very unhappy Yeah." He pouted his lips.

However, Rong Jing didn't come to coax her as usual, instead, he was driving on his own. An Nuan turned his head and glanced at him, and saw that he was full of spring breeze, and he looked very happy.

This person, what good thing happened to him so happy?

"Brother Jing, why are you so happy?"

Rong Jing turned to look at her, and said with a smile, "Because I'm with Nuan Nuan, I'm very happy."

An Nuan felt that this was false no matter how it sounded, and looked at him suspiciously.However, seeing Rongjing's inscrutable expression made An Nuan very disturbed.

Why does she always feel that Rong Jing is planning something bad?Of course, no matter what Rong Jing did, it was impossible for her to do anything that would hurt her, but An Nuan still felt flustered.

She thought, shouldn't she have a good discussion with Brother Jing, so that she can't do messy things?

Thinking of this, she realized that the surrounding environment is getting more and more remote. Where is she going?
"Brother Jing, where are we going?"

"You'll know when you get there." That's what Rong Jing said.

An Nuan turned her head to look out the window, and saw that there were fewer and fewer people outside.

She wondered where Rong Jing was going. Could it be that she was really going to sell her?Even if it is sold, it should not be sold for much, right?
"Brother Jing, I have the right to know, where are I going?"

(End of this chapter)

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