You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2481 Thinking

Chapter 2481 Thinking

This is really true, no matter if you marry or get married, you form a family.

Fu Mingqi laughed, and finally stopped teasing this little guy, patted his head and said with a smile: "Okay, we've been in for so long, it's time to go out." As he said that, he was about to pull Youyou out.

Fu Mingqi's hand was grabbed by the right and the right, he turned around suspiciously, and saw the right and the right eyes looking at him, "Brother Qi, you haven't said whether you want to marry me yet."

This kid, why are you still struggling with this problem.

"Youyou, marrying a wife is not such an easy thing. How can you say that I will marry you if you let me marry you? Of course, you need to show your sincerity to let me see that if I am satisfied, Only then will I agree to marry you." Fu Mingqi deliberately teased him.

"Huh?" Youyou felt very embarrassed when he heard that it was so complicated. "Then, brother Qi, what do you think I can do to impress you, make you feel that I am sincere and agree to marry me?" He really hoped that brother Qi would agree to marry him sooner.

In Youyou's heart, his brother Qi has always been the best, so there must be many people who like him outside.Youyou wants to settle Fu Mingqi as soon as possible.In this way, if there are other people coveting his brother Qi in the future, he can very confidently say to those people: You all go away, brother Qi is mine.

Thinking of such a scene, Youyou felt very satisfied and very happy.

"It depends on what you do. How can you let me say it? If I tell you to do it, then it is not your sincerity. If you are not sincere enough, Brother Qi will not Will marry. Will you let Brother Qi marry someone else?"

"Of course not!" You You hurriedly said, "Brother Qi, don't worry, I will definitely think of something that moves you. Give me some time and let me think about it slowly." As he spoke, he began to be like Brother Yixiu, Put the index fingers of both hands on the temples and circle around, and mutter something. "Think of a way, think of a way, think of a way..."

Looking at this right and left, Fu Mingqi really wanted to laugh, this kid is really stupid and cute.

Youyou, who wanted to marry Fu Mingqi wholeheartedly, was told by Fu Mingqi that he started thinking about how to express his so-called sincerity all the time.But after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out.Even when dreaming at night, you are always thinking about sincerity.

During class, he was in a trance on both sides. When the teacher called him up to answer the question, he was still confused, not knowing what the teacher was asking.

Seeing this, the teacher was very angry. "Rong Chen, what are you doing in class? Why don't you pay attention to the class? Didn't you even listen to the teacher's questions?"

Being criticized by the teacher in front of so many students in the class, Youyou felt very ashamed. He lowered his head and didn't know what to say. He just kept saying, "I'm sorry, teacher, I was wrong..."

Youyou's grades are also among the top in the class, plus he is handsome and cute, and has always been the teacher's favorite.Besides, he is still Zuo Zuo's younger brother. Although the teacher was angry that he didn't pay attention to the class, he couldn't bear to blame him. He just asked him to listen to the class carefully and don't miss the job before letting him sit down.

After sitting down, Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and began to listen to the class seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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