You are my rare tenderness

Chapter 2487 Picked up the money

Chapter 2487 Picked up the money

Annuan slept soundly that night, and when she woke up, she stretched herself immediately.

"Morning, Brother Jing."

"Morning, baby." Rong Jing kissed An Nuan on the forehead, "Get up quickly, the children must have made breakfast."

Thinking of being busy in the kitchen right now, An Nuan wanted to laugh, but it seems that the children are really working too hard, not only have to go to class but also make breakfast, she can't bear it now, "Brother Jing , shouldn't we cancel the punishment of left and right?"

"Why, does your heart hurt?" Rong Jing pinched her face.

An Nuan nodded, feeling really distressed, after all, it was her own, right?

But obviously, An Nuan will feel sorry for Rong Jing, but not Rong Jing, "Everyone must be responsible for what they have done, even if they are children. Nuan Nuan, children's sense of responsibility should be cultivated from an early age. We You can't indulge them just because you are soft-hearted for a moment."

Well, that's true.

In order to exercise, An Nuan decided to start from today, as long as she felt that she could bear it, she would run to the store instead of driving.

She knew that she was a person with a 3-minute fever, so before the 3-minute fever passed, she started to implement her running plan.

From home to the store, it takes about [-] minutes by car, and if you run...there is really no way to calculate this time.

An Nuan's plan is to run as far as she can, and take a taxi if she can't run.

The air in the morning was very good. An Nuan was quite comfortable when she started running, and the feeling of jogging was also very good.

After running for about ten minutes, she was a little overwhelmed.

But it would be useless to give up after such a short journey. She cheered for herself and must persevere for a while.

Running, An Nuan suddenly saw a black bag in the middle of the road ahead, at first she thought it was just a garbage bag, thinking that throwing such a big bag on the ground would affect the appearance of the city, so she ran over to try to put it Pick it up and throw it in the trash.

But after picking it up, she felt something was wrong, there seemed to be something inside.

She thought for a while, then opened the bag and was stunned.

Inside were stacks of RMB, all of which were worth 100 yuan. It seemed that there should be tens of thousands.

Who lost it? According to visual estimates, there is at least 10 yuan. If so much money is lost, the owner will definitely be very anxious.

An Nuan also became anxious, thinking that the owner would definitely come back to look for the lost money, so she just stood there and waited.But she waited for almost an hour and found no one, so she had no choice but to find the nearest police station, and wanted to hand over the money to the police, so that they could find the owner.

After taking the money to the police station, An Nuan briefly explained the matter.The people from the police asked An Nuan to leave a message, so that they could notify her in time when the owner was found.

After handing over the money to the police station, An Nuan felt relieved, but she was still thinking about the money.

After arriving at the store, the people in the store couldn't help being curious when they saw An Nuan's panting appearance, "Boss, are you a thief? Why does it look like you have run a long way?"

"It doesn't look like it, but it is." An Nuan was so thirsty at the moment, she poured a glass of water and gulped it down, "I ran over from home, how is it, isn't it amazing?"

(End of this chapter)

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